watch out for the overwhelming positivity.

July 23 2005
thursday at work i wrote this really cool top ten post - it included ten breaking news stories ranging from my life to ugandan virgins. maybe i'll redo it sometime this week - i have a feeling there's going to be much posting going on... this week is young life camp in georgia. now, you may not know much about yl camp, but you can probably assume that they don't have internet access. which can only lead you to another assumption - that i am not there. this is a sad, true, and long story. i don't wanna talk about it anymore.
anyhow - my #1 on my top ten was this: "LEAH'S ENGAGED!!!!" so i wanted to still get that out there. exciting!!! now you'll have to beg for the rest.
a few things bothering me tonite:
#1 - i suddenly received a subscription to sports illustrated - i figured out today that it came with my cubs credit card. and that i don't have to subscribe because they automatically charge my card. this urks me. that's right - urks.
#2 - aubree and i watched a not-so-great (actually, terrible) movie tonite - however, it contained the song "the blower's daughter" by damien rice. i love this song. and i've heard it before tonight. on something. like a tv commercial - i dunno. please help. things like this drive me crazy.
#3 - when i got to work this morning i was informed that after today the thrift store would be closing. i'm disappointed. where are all those crazy people going to get clothes for practically nothing? who are they going to entertain/drive nuts? and what am i going to do when i don't have to get up early on saturdays? hmm.. ok. but really, i was sad.
#4 - the chicago bears have arrived. this warrants an entire entry itself, so i'll save my ranting on this one.
#5 - my apartment stinks. for real. i bought bleach to attack the mold (which also lends to the centipede infestation) but i feel like it's a big project that i'm not sure i want to get into tonight. maybe tho. ugh. gross.
i'm gonna stop at 5 for a negative list. my top 10 were all good and interesting things. things that bother me don't deserve that much attention. it's gonna be a long week. however - i had a blast with aubree tonight!! she made some incredibly awesome cheesy potato soup and we snuck onto bear's territory and we took some interesting pictures with the biggest green beans ever. yeah. i'm gonna leave you with that ;)

Carla Simpson

July 23 2005
i haven't read the post yet...i just saw that leah's ENGAGED! i'll post about that later...but the damion rice song...i think it's in a movie? i know it b/c of lightning 100...I LOVE IT THO!!! if that doesn't help, i'll try harder :) but now i'll go read your post

Carla Simpson

July 23 2005 you heard it in a movie...which one? i might have played it for you as well...i dunno...let me know!

Carla Simpson

July 23 2005
ps - does lal know that leah's engaged? cuz i'm gunna tell her tomorrow so if you want to tell her, i would suggest calling her tomorrow!

Carla Simpson

July 23 2005
ok one more comment :)

Carla Simpson

July 24 2005
yes, closer is a terrible movie! i rented it the first night it was out b/c i was so excited about it...yeah total letdown :( definately a good song tho!