WICKED awesome

July 08 2005
sooo... today has been the longest day at work EVER. i don't know what the deal is, but i feel like i've been here for weeks. hah, ok, at least longer than a day for sure. maybe it's because i took yesterday off... :) wednesday night darin and i went to see WICKED in chicago and it was awesome. i don't know what it is about broadway musicals but something absolutely thrills me when i'm there - i LOVE it! and then i spent thursday afternoon in the city, mostly at navy pier, which is one of my favorite places in the world. sounds weird, but something about chicago is almost enchanting to me. hah. i'm a dork. but the past two days were the best i've had in quite some time... and lately life has been good, so that's saying a lot!
today i ate pasta salad. this is new to me. heather stretches my boundaries.
aubree wrote a poem at work today and it's the best. kelly put it on her xanga to share, so i thought i'd share it with the phusebox world as well. so click here and check it out.
i heard the word "envelop" today and remembered my thoughts on feeling God physically envelop you. it's a good thing to be reminded of sometimes. let that one sink in today. :)

Carla Simpson

July 12 2005
yes, you heard correctly about chris madison...he's getting married to emily wells! (my friend that went to vietnam)

Nathan Moore

July 12 2005
LOL! I loved the comment you left on that photo... It made me laugh...

Carla Simpson

July 12 2005
wow girl...were you really bored? i was like "eight comments!?" but it made me laugh! of course i NEVER get tired of your shining face :)