Do I Laugh, Or Do I Cry?

August 08 2007

First off, I already made a Facebook note about this, and this will end up on Facebook as well, but thanks again for all the prayers for my family. They are greatly appreciated. I would leave it at but after tonight I feel like I have to add HOWEVER...


We could still use your prayers. I'm doing alright, and my dad seems to be as well. Pray for my aunts, and my cousins, because I don't know if they know the Lord or not. Pray that they will see God through this. Papaw was a devout Catholic, but not everyone in the family shares the same kind of faith as he did. As far as I know, my dad and my mom and I are the only ones on that side faithfully attending a church.


Also, please pray for my mamaw. I was under the impression that she was not really aware (because of her demensia condition) of all that is happening (we didn't even take her to the funeral, since it was in MS and it would have been extremely difficult to take her there), but when I came home tonight my dad said something about how she's having a hard time with it. And I guess I was pretty ignorant to think that she wasn't. Though she may have short term memory loss, she remembers the long term, and she remembers him. They were married for 69 years, and he loved her unconditionally until the day he died. He devoted so much time and patience and strength to caring for her. And now she's alone. 


It's funny, tonight at AO while we were singing, I just started to pray because I knew I really needed to, and God assured me of Romans 8:28 (which Robert mentioned when he spoke) that the deaths that happened this summer are for a greater purpose. But tonight, as I sit here and think about Mamaw, I wonder how in the world this can do any good. I had sort of hoped that Mamaw would die first and Papaw shortly after, because we knew that he was only hanging on for her. But now, Mamaw is left here in a confused state. I wonder how much she'll change, and if she'll grow more distant from us. I wonder if she'll fade away quickly or slowly.  


Just when I thought I was happy and fine, I'm starting to feel burdened again. This is such a delicate matter and not an easy situation. We have to get Mamaw out of their apartment by the end of the month and we don't know where we're taking her yet. Most nursing homes have waiting lists and I'd hate for Aunt Janet to be in charge of taking care of her.


My heart just really aches for the elderly and their condition...


I'm just glad that my grandma is adjusting really well to life without Granddaddy... 


And now for another serious issue, presented in a somewhat humorous manner, though when I saw this I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry... 


Illegal Immigrants

I cross ocean, poor and broke,
Take bus, see employment folk.

Nice man treat me good in there,
Say I need go see Welfare.

Welfare say, "You come no more,
We send cash right to your door."

Welfare checks, they make you wealthy,
Medicaid, it keep you healthy!

By and by, Got plenty money,
Thanks to you, TAXPAYER dummy.

Write to friends in motherland,
Tell them 'come, fast as you can'

They come in turbans and Ford trucks,
I buy big house with welfare bucks.

They come here, we live together,
More welfare checks, it gets better!

Fourteen families, they moving in,
But neighbor's patience wearing thin.

Finally, white guy moves away,
I buy his house, and then I say,

"Find more aliens for house to rent."
In my yard I put a tent.

Send for family they just trash,
But they, too, draw welfare cash!

Everything is very good,
Soon we own whole neighborhood

We have hobby it called breeding,
Welfare pay for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
We get free! We got no bills!

TAXPAYER crazy! He pay all year,
To keep welfare running here.

We think America darn good place!
Too darn good for white man race.

If they no like us, they can go,
Got lots of room in Mexico.

Back from Facebook and Myspace

August 08 2007

Tomorrow is use on pondering that.


I want to use this again, nobody really uses it that I know.

So it would be a great time to put random stuff on here

I have a MySapce, Facebook, and a LastFm account.

Why? I used to be addicted to Xanga, then MySpace. And now its starting to be Facebook that I'm addicted to.

Am I in a state of going to and from the next big thing?

Phusebox is a cool place. Its not really conforming to anything for the mainstream.

I like the draw of it


But I play hockey for Blackman High, I have a great girlfriend named Rachel, I like music such as Death From Above 1979, TV On The Radio, Chin Up Chin Up, Alexisonfire, and Fear Before The March Of Flames. Movies are cool I like Stranger Than Fiction to crappy movies like Plan 9 From Outer Space. Books are cool for me America (The Book) by Jon Steward and Animal Farm by George Orwell are my favorites.


I am an independant political party. Basically I agree on some things that Repo men say and Demos say. But I think Ralph Nader is amazing, and not just because its funny to say either.


Well tell me about what you think about anything I've said, its going to be a long school year.

duck races and other fun goodness

August 08 2007
check out this site:
you can find a place or organization that you wish to donate to. it is a fun way to donate to a charity of your choice. 
there is a duck race happening in chicago friday, you know you want to have a duck in it! the proceeds go to the special olympics in chicago. 
hope you have a great night!!!


August 08 2007
k i think i'm going with whisper which i absolutely fell in love with the first time i saw it!  oh the story is about a girl and a horse and that's all i'm sayin cuz this one needs a little work.  it's one of my "early literary compositions" and let's just say it's a bit mediocre.  okay so i'm going with whisper and i'm also gonna go scream with  happiness.  goodbye


August 08 2007

I think change might cause me physical pain. My first days of Middle and High school were rattled by unbearable tummy aches (High school worse than Middle, though. Much worse.) The same happened at my baptism, and, all of you are going to think i've losed it and reached that level past obsession that is commenly called crazy, but i also felt it the day after i finished Twilight. That last one scares the crap out of me, but anyway, ignoring that bit of insanity, these are all huge events in my life, a new chapter in the book that is existance. I'm going to implode when i move away to, that's a scary thought.



Off the subject of my newly proven lack of brain (even though everyone whos anyone already new i was hopeless) I'm gonna talk about High school. I love it and i hate it. 1st block is hard but cool because Mr. T is the president of planet cool. 2nd block is from heck, exept for the fact that it holds the highest number of my friends, but there all to busy doing math to even look at me. 3rd block is pretty awsome, mainly because i get to go to lunch and it's my only class with Megan. 4th block is like 3rd grade all over again, but Robyn and Jacob keep things interesting. The gayest thing about high school is that i have no classes with Carmen. This sucks all the way to sucky town, but there might be hope for next semester.



ya, well, ya


August 08 2007

okay y'all...i don't know if you remember but a little while back i started on a story and was posting a little on here every day but then i stopped.  well i'm gonna start that again i think.  oh and i was working on another before that but my problem (that still stands) is i have no name for the character...or a title for the story.  so right now i refer to it as "Untitled No Namer".  Here is a list of names I really like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me feedback as to which ones you like too.  THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH

List of names for story:

Aveline, Aspasia, Arden

Baylee, Bethwyn, Blaise


Dakota, Daveigh, Destiny

Ester (Esther), Eulalie

Faylinn, Felicity




Jenibelle, Jessimae

Kayanna, Kayleigh

Laurelin, Leilani, Lilianna, Lorelei

Macyn, Mahina, Marlee

Natalia, Norelle


Palila, Passion, Phailin


Raeanne, Randilyn, Rosalyn

Serenity, Satine





Zabrina, Zafirah, Zandeleigh


Boyfriend![just another...]

August 08 2007

Just another boy ,

 Just another chance at Love,

Just A  bunch of unfilled promises

         that we both promised to keep.

Just another friendship

  that we hope last forever!

Just another memory

 that seems to last a lifetime,

Just another oppurtunity

not to make the same mistake,

Just another dance

that we can step on each others toes,

Just another sweaty hand

that we say we won t let go,

just another kiss

we say we'll never regret.

 Just another Love note ....

 that will someday play our LOVE's song!

 - Elizabeth Allen




It Finally Happened.

August 08 2007

For the first time since i made my breakthrough. Breaking out of depression, i'm sitting here sobbing.  Looking at all of my friends, their pictures, their best friends.  Why can't i have that!? Why can't i be so open to love, and so open to be close to people. I'll tell you why, because every adult, that is supposed to be a role model, a spiritual leader, has turned out to be fake and untrustworthy. My best friend won't even confide in me anymore, we aren't even best friends anymore!? Who am i to talk to?  My old friends barely stay in contact with me anymore, maybe that's my fault. I just can't get close to anyone anymore. I build up this wall, that even i can't break down. This is such a lonely place. I don't know what to do. I have no idea.


i need to go read.

calm my nerves.

take a step out of my life and into someone elses.


help me please?

HBO Got Something Right

August 07 2007
HBO is showing a documentary titled "White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" this week (at least for the past two days).  If you can, I strongly suggest you see it.  The filmmakers interview several Japanese survivors of the destruction of the two atomic bombs.  It's an amazing, touching movie.

woo :)

August 07 2007

well this is a quiz with questions you aren't normally asked on those quiz things.  here goes.


1. When you are talking to someone, what is the topic that usually comes up in conversation?  feet or hands.  (man hands!!!)

2. When listening to the radio, what is the station that yours is usually set to?  probably like 107.5 or 103.3...woo

3. Have you ever given spare change (or counterfeit) money to a hobo?  no i don't think

4. How do you order your coffee?  Or do you even drink it?  i usually get a tall iced mocha-blended (oh yeah dark chocolate) with extra whipped cream and chocolate...sometimes half-caff

5. What is the longest you have ever slept?  probably like 14 or 15 hours after drama camp.  i was so tired!

6. When you do a kartwheel, which hand do you start on?  my left...which is funny because i'm right-handed!  :P

7. Do you have any collections?  yes i collect porcelain dolls...people say that's kinda freaky but i think they're pretty.

8. Do you happen to know how many keys are on a full-size piano?  How many?  there's 88

8. Approximately how many CD's do you own? probably 130 or so.

9. Among those, are any Madonna, Britney Spears, N'Sync or Backstreet Boys?  How many?  um yeah i think i have 2 britney...2 N'Sync and like 4 BSB

10. How many pictures does your memory card for your camera hold?  i think like 600 or

11. How many songs, approximately of course, do you know WORD for WORD?  probably...i don't know that's a stupid question.  seriously, how am i supposed to keep track of that?

12. About how many pictures do you take of yourself daily?  too many probably

13. How many pair of shoes do you own...but how many of them do you ever wear?  i own like 30 or 40 but i only wear like 7...maybe

14. How long can you hold your breath under water?  i don't know like 30 seconds or something

15. What would you compare the smell of apple pie to?  huh?  like apple pie duh!

16. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day..." comes from what famous poet's sonnet?  umm is this like a game show?  Shakespeare

17. In football what is the role of the quarterback?  heck if i know!

18. Did you take the time to notice that there were 2 number 8's on this trivia quiz?  BE HONEST.  yeah i did

19. What is your shoe size?  11 women's 9 men's

20. Would you ever go deep sea diving?  it really depends...hmmmm

21. How many WPM can you type?  well sometimes it's real high but on average i just type like 80-like 86.

22. How many times do you use the word I in one day? um...way too many.

23. What is your goal in life?  to be a better person, go to college, sing, and be married and have kids

24. How many tests did you fail when you were in school?  like only 4.  but i made a couple d's in pre-al

25. How much water do you drink on a daily basis?  NOT enough.  but a considerable amount

26. What's your favorite color?  ORANGE

27. What's your favorite fabric?  i like leather cuz of the way it smells but i don'tlike wearing it...and i like cashmere because it's soft!  but i'd have to say spandex!  NO WAY...j/k.  i like cotton i guess

28. Who's your favorite comedian?  don't really care

29. What's your favorite brand of batteries?  prolly rayovac.

30. And finally, how much time do you waste filling these stupid things out?  TOO MUCH TIME!!!  but they're fun. :P


im having a great day

August 07 2007

im am over at my grandparents house...we went to chick fil a for lunch then went to target after...i got a bunch of candy to keep in my locker....i am going to get my permit tomorrow....i am very excited!!!


anna farmer and andrea.....good luck tonight....have fun...dont stress or will be have my cell me after you get your schedules!!!!


it is a great day!!


August 07 2007
I Am Oh So Bored! So i put some of my songs on i can listen to them on my phusebox...yaaa for Grace!

Cake Topper and Favors

August 07 2007

This entry is long over due because I started working on it over a week ago.


While we were in Sweden, Gray and I came across these rubber ducks. I had a rubber ducky bathroom theme in high school and so I started collecting rubber ducks. Well, Gray saw this when we first started dating and told me I'd have a collection by the time we got married. I now probably have 15-20 and we couldn't resist adding these two to the collection. These will probably be used on the wedding cake as toppers. Notice my rubber ducky bathrobe in the background. ;) 


photo from becsaboo When I set out to do favors for the wedding, I knew immediately I wanted something that would save money and be practical. We chose from the beginning to use the bubbles as favors.
photo from becsabooSo I watched and found a great sale and managed to buy all the bubbles for our wedding for under $25. Then I took ribbon that is in our colors (pink and green) and wrapped it around. The finishing touch were favor tags that I printed off myself. 

photo from becsaboo
It's nothing too original but it's a start to helping the wedding be cost effective. Since our budget got a lot tighter over the past few months, I'm trying a lot of diy ideas out. I would like to even make my veil myself if possible. So, we'll see what happens. 



August 07 2007

i'll be in indianapolis until saturday for national competition with my church...


so if you need me, just text or call



love you guys!!


a tasty little snack (almost)

August 06 2007
this is sir pinch a lot
he is my hermit crab.
sophia likes him. a lot. so much in fact....
moments after i took this she grabbed him up in her mouth. luckily he is ok. poor lil guy.   we thought it was pretty funny... that is after i screamed and realized he was ok. then i laughed. and am still laughing now.  i hope that everyone is having a great night!  

Tell me again how much you know...

August 06 2007
I apologize ahead of time for this rant, but I'm going just a little bit crazy here.


I appreciate the advice, but they don’t know everything. They don’t know what I’m feeling, how I’m handling this, what’s going on in my heart and mind. They think they know so much; they think they are so damn smart. Maybe if they’d open their eyes, open their minds, and pay attention, then they’d know something. They all think they know so much. It would surprise them to find out just how little they know.


People keep saying that I should find another guy, one who lives in TN, one I can see often. Oh sure, I’ll just fall out of love with Kenny and in love with someone else. I’ll just shut down my emotions, turn off my heart. Yeah, I’ll do that so all you people will be happy. Ha, yeah right. It’s not that simple, nor do I want it to be. I love him, and when you morons all get used to that, life will be so much better. I’m so sick of this stupidity. I made my choice and I’m sticking to it. I followed my heart, and, regardless of the complications and difficulties that come with it, I let it lead me to him. I’m happy, even when I’m miserable, and that should be enough to make you see. It’s not the fact that he’s not here that keeps me from going out and doing things. It’s the fact that there is nothing to do in this town.


What is driving me insane is the fact that these people think that I’m too young to be in love. They think that I don’t know what love is. I’m pretty sure I know what love is by now. It’s waiting for over two years for a guy who moved to another state and having all the faith in the world that he’s coming back and that he’s true. It’s the feeling of completion you get when you're in his arms and he holds you. It’s when you realize that nothing in the world can ever take the place of being with him. It's realizing that things are going to be hard, and going through it all anyway. It’s something you can’t explain because it doesn’t make sense. I’m in love and have known it for over two years, and you can’t tell me I’m not. My mom is one of those people who thinks I’m too young, but she’s one to talk. She was my age when she fell in love with my dad, married him, and had me. She was nineteen.


A lot of people around me are getting married. Three girls I graduated from high school with, last year mock trial president {married last fall}, my best friend all through grade school and part of high school {married already}, my cousin Ben. It’s crazy really, and has got me thinking. They all know that if I get married I’ll forget my dreams and give up on my plans to go to law school. They all know that it would destroy everything I’ve worked for. Surprise, surprise, they know nothing. Kenny knows how important my dreams are to me, and he supports me. Pretty sure he would never let me give up on them. They act as though all I am is intelligence and future plans; they don’t see past the fact that I’m in college. Honestly, they seem to think the whole family hinges on my finishing law school and becoming an attorney, that my whole life should be devoted to that. But it’s my life and I’m going to live it my way on my terms. I’m going to keep loving Kenny, and I’m going to keep being faithful and waiting.


August 06 2007
boy- i missed u at school 2day, y weren't u there?

girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.

boy- oh really? y?

girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.

boy- oh

girl- so what did we do in math 2day?

boy- u didnt miss nuthing that great.......just lots of notes

girl- ok good

boy- yeah

girl- hey i have a question......

boy- ok, ask away much do u love me?

boy- u kno i love u more than anything

girl- yeah.....

boy- y did u ask?


boy- is something wrong?

girl- no nothing at all

boy- good.

girl- much do u care about me?

boy- i would give u the world in a heartbeat if i could.

girl- u would?

boy- yeah.........of course i would >sounding worried< is there something wrong??

girl- no, everythings fine......

boy- are u sure?

girl- yeah.

boy- ok.......i hope so.

girl- ..............would u die for me?

boy- i would take a bullet for u anyday, hun

girl- really?

boy- anyday. now seriously, is there something wrong???

girl- no im fine, ur fine, we're fine, everyones fine.

boy- ............ok

girl-......................well i have to go ill c u 2morrow at school.

boy- alright, bye. I LOVE YOU.

girl- yeah, i love u 2, bye.


boy- hey, have u seen my g/f 2day?

friend- no

boy- oh.

friend- she wasnt here yesterday either.

boy- i know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last nite.

friend- well dude u kno how gurls are sumtimes

boy- yeah........but not her.

friend- idk wht else 2 say, man.

boy- k well i gotta get 2 english, ill c ya after school.

friend- yeah i gotta get to science, ttyl.


girl- hello?

boy- hey

girl- oh, hi.

boy- y weren't u at school 2day?

girl- uh.......i had another doctor appointment.

boy- are u sick?

girl- i have 2 go, my mom's callin on my other line.

boy- ill wait.

girl- it may take a while, ill call u later.

boy-........alright, i love u hun.

very long pause<

girl- (with tear in her eye) look, i think we should break up.

boy- what???

girl- its the best thing for us right now.

boy- y????

girl- i love u.


boy- hey dude

friend- hey

boy- whats up

friend- nothin, hey have u talked 2 ur ex lately?

boy- no

friend- so u didnt hear?

boy- hear what?

friend- um idk if i should be the one to tell u......

boy- dude, wtf tell me

friend- this number....433-555-3468

boy- ok............


voice- hello, suppam county hospital, this is nurse beckam.

boy- uh.......i must have the wrong number, im looking for my friend.

voice- what is her name, sir?
(boy gives info)

voice- yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here.

boy- rele? y? what happened??? how is she???

voice- her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3.

boy- WHAT HAPPENED??!!!!

voice- plz come by sir and you can see her, goodbye.

boy- WAIT! NO!
*dial tone*


boy- omg are u ok??

girl- ..................

boy- sweetie!! talk to me!!

girl- i..........

boy- u what?? U WHAT???

girl- i have cancer and im on life support

boy- .....................>breaks into tears<......................

girl- they're taking me off 2night

boy- y??

girl- i wanted 2 tell u but i couldnt

boy- y didnt u tell me????

girl- i didnt want 2 hurt u.

boy- u could never hurt me

girl- i just wanted 2 c if u felt bout me as the same i felt bout u.

boy- ?

girl- i love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you.

boy- ...........

girl- dont be sad, i love u n ill always be here w/u

boy- then y'd u break up w/me?

nurse- young man, visiting hours are over.


but what the boy didn't kno is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up w/him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.


the boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other...
THE NOTE SAID:i told her i would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me...


August 06 2007

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a Prayer Request !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My horse ^ has something wrong with her leg. I Personaly dont feel like explaining it, so pretty much all you need to know is its messed up at the moment. This very thing has happend once before BUT i was there every day to take care of her and now i wont be able to take care of her but once a week, since she is over at my Bestest Friend Lilly Anna's house :) And i need everyone praying for her right now. B.c i dont even really know whats wrong with her leg....but i know that God heald her last time so i KNOW He can do it again this time. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be praying for my horse. It would mean a lot to me.


August 06 2007

i have noooo idea what but sumthins

gonna happen in 1 week & 22 days!

lol. austin...u know what im talkin

bout...= ]


August 06 2007

i was flipping through the channels just now and stopped on the news and they were saying that right now there is a law that is trying to be passed that says that sermons in church about homosexuality is considered hate speech and is illegal. how redicuolous is that? psh. some people. if you cant read the bible and realize that homosexuality is wrong, than, sorry if this offends you, but you're retarded. i know that sounds bad. but thats the just of it. 


this weekend was awesome. my brother got married. it was great. i'll put pictures up when i get some. haha. but they'll be on facebook as well.



Het onder ogen zien van de toekomst

August 06 2007
This says "facing the future".............IN DUTCH, BABY!!!!!!!!!!

What is

August 06 2007
I see <3 everywhere!!!!!!!!!! Less than 3.....what does it mean?????????

crank dat soulja boi

August 06 2007
this has a couple wordy dirds in it but i think it's super funny to watch white guys try to be supa  well enjoy!

Thoughts of the Future

August 06 2007

So I woke up today to the sound of my mother stating I had mail. It was a letter from the lady who gives me a private scholarship. We had called her office to ask if I could get the scholarhsip one more semester. She agreed so the letter was the usual letter sent to me about the money.


It seems like my time at home has gone by very slowly but also very fast. I leave Friday to go to Memphis for a week and when I get back I have a few short days at home and then it's off to Murfreesboro for the year! I'm definitely excited for the new changes.


I'm going to be living at University Gables with three of my best friends until I get married.


The time at home has been good but I've been going crazy with boredom. 


It feels like there is no time to get anything accomplished, although I know there is.


My room is pretty much packed up. That feels strange. I've been trying to leave some things because I feel I won't need them, like my stereo system. We'll see I guess.


This past weekend was wonderful because I got to get out of the house and see some good friends. Friday night, Gray and I went to see Bourne: Ultimatium. It was a good, but dizzying movie. Saturday we drove to Hickory Hollow Mall to hang with Kelsey, picked up Shannon and visited Jenny and Alice at home before catching dinner with Shannon. It's hard to believe that Jenny and Shannon are going to be gone for a year and Kelsey will be away in another state. Crazy.  I'm learning that it's not goodbye forever though, just for now.


Well, I am off to enjoy the relaxation time I have.  

Good Song

August 06 2007


August 06 2007

so i'm moving on.. i mean there is nothing i can do to fix it.. at least nothing that would help me.. it was a choice that was made and i'm just going to deal with the outcome and move on from it...we had some great times but this is really becoming too much and i'm sick of picking up the pieces... so i'm just going to move on with my life...i just really can't wait to go back to knoxville now....

till next time...


Shut Up And Drive

August 05 2007

Yeah, that song is only good when it's not stuck in your head.


*sigh* It's been a long week. Mom had to go to Michigan for a friend thingy and she should be back tommorow morning. All the while I've been playing mother and I have decided I don't want kids, teenage ones to be specific. I've never know myself to have the barely containable urge to smother Camden in her sleep, somebody please tell me if I was ever that annoying when I was her age.


We head out for Fine Arts on Tuesday (at six in the frikin morning) so somebody is bringing me coffe, or I'm stocking up on Coke Black. so either way, I'm not a morning person. Never have been, don't plan on ever being one.



New Life For Me..Yep Yep

August 05 2007

So...Today was pretty bad for me. But i dont feel like talking about that at the moment. SO i shall talk about something else. I was thinking.... *and yes i can think..but most of the time i just choose not to :)* anyway, i was thinking and i'm going to start new. Some of you might be wondering "what does she mean by new" i mean take 2 step forward instead of taking 2 steps back. You have heard the saying "Take 1 step forward and 2 steps back" Well thats what i have been doing the past few mounts and its been killing me. So now, no matter what comes my way, i'm gona go forward and only forward*well in my power at lest*. SO MANY things have come my way to try and push me back, and sadly to say, they won every time. With my parents spliting...Losing both my grandparents in a 6 mounth time......Tyler moving....Selling my horse....and a bunch inbetween. It all pushed me back, made me feel sad and hurt. But i'm tired of that! Oh So Tired Of That! So now...I'm gona walk forward, and live life to the fullest! and at the same time! HAVE FUN! :P *thats my favorite part* I always say "You could be a happy person" and i relized.. "I could become a happy person" i just have to try! and thats what i'm gona do! Yaaaa ME
Well i just thought i would tell you guys! thanks for listening...or reading!


August 05 2007

so i dont think i have ever been so hurt by someone so close to me... who knows i might just be blowing this was up but i'm just so hurt right now and extremely stressed....

the main thing is... i want to know what happened to my best friend.... things were fine 2 weeks ago and now its up in flames....

photo from
photo from
photo from

Olive Garden in the 'Boro??

August 05 2007

So I have heard for the last 4 years that Olive Garden is coming to Murfreesboro, TN only to be let down.  Every building that is going up I am always like, "Olive Garden baby!" but then to see signs like Red Robin, Carrabba's, Pei Wei.  Anyways, after watching this building go up right behind Carrabba's I am wondering again.  I went to Olive Garden's website and there is a Management Opportunity here in Murfreesboro.  Which means that there is one coming.  When? hopefully soon!  Where? who care!? 


Also, if you haven't drove over to The Avenue, Murfreesboro new and largest  mall in Tennessee there are places that are open.  Dick's Sporting Goods and then Best Buy is training currently and will be opening within two weeks.  We will also be getting a Macaroni Grill and a Longhorn Steakhouse both opening by September.  


Lot of Good stuff going on in the 'Boro!  Make me excited that I live here. 


August 05 2007

well yesterday i went to paintball...NO i didn't play.  duh!  oh and if you ever try to get me to play, don't shoot yourself in the foot cuz it won't work and it will just cause you pain.  :P

but anyway, some guy called me and grace twins...he really thought that!!!!  and it's kinda starting to freak me out...we have this telepathic thing...freaky.  i really miss my friends...that's the thing i hate about high school.  oh yeah i went to the football game thing on friday night...kinda fun.  gosh there was so much i was gonna say but i just forgot...oh well!  when i remember i'll tell ya. 

~carmen luvs austin~


oh yeah i think i'm gonna be in the miss fairest of the fair competition...not sure yet

Zac Braff

August 05 2007

Ok wow. What a an amazing actor, writer, and director. He wrote, directed and stared in Garden State. I love that movie it is really good. It is just a movie about life and love. I really enjoy watching it over and over. Zac Braff is also simply awesome in the show scrubs. He can be funny and serious he just simply astounds me as an actor. I wish that all people in the buisness were as good as him. Great job Zac Braff.






i am sorry for misspelled words. 

do u fear it? or embrace it?

August 04 2007

So i am reading this book, called Rachels Tears! its about a Girl named Rachel who died in the Columbine tradgedy! she was asked if she believed in God! she said"you know i do!'' klebold then said "go live w. him then" & was shot!the 2 guys that shot her , one reportedly had a crush on her, [he wasnt the one to shoot her !] but he ridiculed her , and called her a GODLY whore , & all kinds of names! why didnt he save her? ....

 Rachel was a strong Christian and at the talent show she presented "watch the Lamb" & she was made fun of! but she didnt care! i wish i could be like that , every choice made by me , is all about what others think!

   she died for what she believed! i thought about this & if i was asked"do u believe in God? " & they had a Gun pointed at my head , would i say Yes?its easy to tell you i would, but then actually being in that situation would I? would I die in his name?  i have to 100% honest at this....

   i hate admitting that i Dont know  if i really could ::hopefully i wont be put in that situation, but then that the greatest way i could die! my death would impact others!i should be proud to die like that! but then why is there so much fear in dyeing! why do i fear death? i should look forward to it!!shouldnt i?

 okay, now heres the question would you be willing to die for one who died for you? does anyone feel like i do?


"we don t know when our time is up , you cant die b4 your time , you die when its your time !we needda live like its our last day , because might be"


In A Moment Of Grief...

August 04 2007

"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I am not afraid, but the sensation is like being afraid." -C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed


It's very true. Coping with the death of my second grandfather ever as well as in one short summer has proved to be fairly easy today, though it helps immensely I've been distracted. Yesterday was hard. The funeral was hard. But I know it's better this way for him. Thanks so much for those of you have been praying for me, supporting me, and encouraging me. It means so much to have such loving and caring friends. I don't know many details yet, excpet that all the services are going to Mississippi, so I'll be heading that way in the next couple of days. 


August 04 2007

i love it when you look at me....

because i know that for one second i crossed your mind...


About A Girl

August 04 2007

God has interesting timing. INFJ. I think we are gonna work out. Where is the smiley-face emoticon?

God Bless The Broken Road.

August 03 2007

Here is a song that I really love...and makes me kinda wonder if this will come true for me. If so who are these "northern stars pointing to?" Well there was my farly girly moment...I feel dirty...I think I am going to take a shower...

discover the diaphragm

August 03 2007 choir today we had to "discover our diaphragm".  i thought it sounded kinda funny!  we had to pant like dogs to do so!  i also thought that was kinda funny!  well our teacher/director is pretty dang funny himself.  and so is his wife!  i am so glad it's the weekend...i can't wait 'till tomorrow!!!  oh and tyler a senior asked me to sit with him today so booyah!  and i'm about to leave to go to the football game in a few minutes so if anyone wants to talk to me feel free to do so...quickly.  okay there is really no point to this "thought" i just liked "DISCOVER YOUR DIAPHRAGM."


August 03 2007

I am cool. . . here is why



Yeah you can't doubt it not the Sophomores not the Junior's but the Seniors asked me to eat lunch with them. . . my first day of school. lol  I turned them down but its all good.

i still got asked ha ha  


August 02 2007

okay so today i had an "audition" for choir.  it's for placement in the proper section...blah blah blah.  well the response i got from the brilliant mrs. freeman was surprisingly...good!  i thought i would get some critiquing but i didnt...that kinda scares me but it makes me really happy!  she said i had a HUGE range...which is true.  and she said she could tell who my mother was.  but i'm not a soprano like her like they thought!  i can't wait till next year because i want to be in concert choir really badly!  oh yeah and i think i'm auditioning for the musical if possible...i REALLY want to do that.  i love musical's so dang fun!  oh yeah...i'm confused.  i say that all the time because i feel like that a lot.  but i haven't been confused over the summer, but now that school's here and i'm seeing some of the people i used to talk to and stuff i'm wondering who i really want in my life.  that sounds funny!  i've made a new friend and she's really nice...she said she knew tyler and i figured out where i knew her cool!  well anyway i'm kinda tired so i guess that's all.


photo from PianoGrl13

If Only Reagan Was Still Around...

August 02 2007

-"You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by the way he eats jelly beans."


-"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15. "


-"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."


-"I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born."


-"If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. "


-"Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face."


-"Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure."


 -"I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life."

Homework and Tea

August 02 2007

You know what's even worse than summer having to end and you having to go back to school? Having homework on the second day back. I mean it wasn't hard at all. It's just the prinicple. I really hate homework. That means I have to take books home. I know. That's so horrible. But still. I guess it could be worse though. Although I'm pretty sure I failed my first test in geometry today. I can't do anything mathematical without a calculator. It's really kind of sad. Ever since sixth grade I haven't been able to do anything in my head. I don't even remember all my multipication facts and how to divide correctly. I'm really afraid I'm going to fail. Well I'm pretty sure I won't fail, but I could possibly make a C. Yeah, and you can't get into a good college with a C average. And I can't even quit honors classes because then I still won't be able to get into the college I want. I guess it's a lose-lose sitituation. Oh well, whatever...


On a better note, the funniest thing happened tonight. We were at McDonald's, and my sister and me were getting our drinks. My sister was getting tea, and when she pushed the thing down you push to get the tea to come out, the nozzle came completely off. Tea was gushing everywhere. I almost died laughing. It was so hilarious. They had just refilled the tea thing befor we got there so it was completely full. The girl that was working there that was trying to fix it got completely soaked. I think my sister felt bad. I would be mortified if it had been me, but since it wasn't I guess I can laugh about it.


"Make the honey." - Keri, Carmen, and Megan

10 worst lyrics ever

August 02 2007

Number 10:

"If I was a sculptor
But then again, no"
--Elton John's 'Your Song'
(lyrics by Bernie Taupin)
Well, then stop bringing it up already! This line has been wasting our time for three decades.
 Number 9:"I love you like
A fat kid loves cake"

--50 Cent's '21 Questions'
Gangsta, schmangsta -- brotha should write Hallmark cards.
 Number 8:"There were plants
And birds
And rocks
And things"

--America's 'Horse With No Name'
Like in New York, nouns are scarce in the desert, and apparently our poor soft rockers simply ran out of them. Too bad they didn't consult Michael Stipe: "There were plants and birds and rocks and prouds."

Number 7:

"Time is like a clock
in my heart"

--Culture Club's 'Time (Clock of the Heart)'
Awesome analogy. Time is soooo like a clock, because, well, it's freakin' time!
 Number 6:"I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel"

--Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn'
(lyrics by Anne Preven)
Can you say filler line? Like, oh, we get it, this is how you feel -- because it's been so darn long since you told us how you were all out of faith.
 Number 5:"Now you're amazed
By the VIP posse
Steppin' so hard
Like a German Nazi"

--Vanilla Ice's 'Play That Funky Music'
Dude took the original song's "white boy" lyrics a little too literally. Good thing he specified German though, because those Austrian Nazis were way too light on their feet.


 Number 4:"Your butt is mine"
--Michael Jackson's 'Bad'
The worst opening line in pop history. However, we hear it's huge in Dubai.


Number 3:

"I don't like cities
But I like New York
Other places
Make me feel like a dork"

--Madonna's 'I Love New York'
So, so true. Which is of course why Paris is so famously known as the City of Dorks.


Number 2:"War is stupid
And people are stupid"

--Culture Club's 'War Song'
Boy George again, and this time he's illin' like Bob Dylan. We wrote a song just like this in seventh grade, but the next line was, "And your mom is stupid."


Number 1:"Coast to coast
L.A. to Chicago"
--Sade's 'Smooth Operator'
Sade was born in Nigeria and grew up in London, but her biggest hit reveals that she's clearly not a smooth navigator.

Bye Bye Burrito

August 02 2007

I am no longer a burrito-maker. If you didn't come see me, you have no more chances. Your life is just a little more unfortunate now.

So, I leave for Lee on the 12th. We should hang out, you and me. I miss you. Yes, you.


My computer just barked. Any help? 


why doubt....

August 02 2007

why do people doubt each other....


is it just in our nature as humans to doubt, to question...

or is it just because of a persons actions and habits that make us question or doubt their intentions...or being....


or do doubts and questions arouse just because of others doubts of the person... 


-do we doubt each other only because others have doubted them as well????



August 02 2007

Well I'm moving kind of slow
Down that same old path
Wasting time inside this hour glass
She's coming up ahead now
And I feel, yes I feel
My head turning like a race car wheel
Maybe I'll try to say hi another time
I've gotta find a way to get inside your mind
I'll talk smoothe and walk one step closer
Be real cool, dang real cool

say what you want, say what you mean
question yourself, are you really what you seem?
say what you want, say what you mean
question yourself, are you really what you dream?

now here I come one more time
but she slides on by
not even a second look
she took the bait right off that hook
I've got my blinders on tight
I pull my cap a little lower
I can't hide away

you might think that this is easy for me
but there's a lot of things you don't know
you don't care, you don't want to see
long while since I've got myself across
but maybe there's a reason for that
even if I caught you I'd throw you back.

hey... hey...

I really don't want to fall back
because you don't seem like you care
and if I would fall back
you don't seem like you care
and if I would fall back
you don't seem like you care

fall down your back, fall down your back
fall down your back, fall down your back

I will not, I will not hold, hold you back
you don't seem like you care

Fall back... you don't
Fall back... you don't
Fall back... you don't

moving forward.....

August 02 2007
this is going to be a crazy month....


August 01 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Vonnie

August 01 2007
Today my Aunt Vonnie is 80 years old... the oldest of my mom's siblings is 84 years old. My mom is 60. 
Remember that post where I thought 22 was old? Yeah, I take that back. hehe
Vonnie is very special to me. She introduced me to coffee when I was 4 years old. I stayed with her while my parents went to Hawaii. She has always called me her little princess. I think she's still waiting on my broadway debut.
Anyway, here is to one of my favorite aunts... Delsi Ima Evon Mayberry.

First Day

August 01 2007

So the first day of high school was not as near as bad as I thought it would be. But really the only thing I was worried about was lunch. I got one of my best friends (Keri) in my lunch shift. Only half of my classes I don't have really good friends in. But even then I have casual friends. I think my favorite class this year is going to be journalism. It sounded so fun today when the teacher was talking about it, and I have Keri in that class. I think my favorite teacher is going to be my English teacher. He seems so funny. (Oh yeah, and we do have to read the introduction, guys. How fun!) The only class I'm iffy about is wellness. The health part will be ok. Just not the excercsing part. Although that's good I guess. I need to exercise. We just have to swim. I don't want to swim. The school pool just seems so gross. I even didn't get lost once which is odd because high school is huge, and I got lost a lot in middle school which is tiny compared to high school. But I do have to say, it's really not that confusing, you just have to walk through a lot of doors. I'm surprised the upper classmen weren't all mean and stuff. Although one guy did try to sell us hall passes while we were taking a tour. I was like, "No, I think I'll stay in class."  I'm really glad it's only four classes instead of like six or seven. And only two of my classes actaully require studying time or homework which is really good. I was really shocked that almost hardly anyone changed over the summer. Usually you see dramatic changes. Well I guess that's about it, so yeah...


"You've just been habeebed."

"You've just been habeebed."

soo tired

August 01 2007
im soooo tired of the first day.. wow i have spinish first thing in the moring then advance threater and im the only sophmore in there =( but then i have algebra 1 and angela is in there and all my friends anf then i have english 2 and alott of friends are in their too.. and i forgot i have a ton of friends in spanish.. lol i think im gonna fail.. also everyone wants me to run for vice president.. but idk

one week

August 01 2007
one week from today i am taking my permit test....i hope i pass...i know i will.....i think


August 01 2007
well today was my first day of freakin high school.  i only have ONE class with one of my friends in it and you know what i am not liking life too much at the moment.  but i love my geography teacher...and pretty much all my teachers except for the one that teaches geometry...she reminds me of hitler and my geography teacher really looks like brock off of that show reba and he coaches football....and girls softball.  i'm not excited about choir because we are only singing in unison, there is not a single guy in it-no low voices at all!  and i'm not really sure that those girls sing that well...i know some don't.  i love the teachers though i've known them forever and of course they know me because...yup you guessed it...everyone knows my mother.  :P  i am so mad right now i don't even want to think about waking up tomorrow and this morning i almost cried but i didn't because no good could come from that.  i hate this so much...but i hope it gets better.  i miss my friends.

First Day

August 01 2007
Was ok. i LOVE my english teacher and Journalism. The moment i left campas my horrid stumik(lol) ache went away. not a coqinkidink.

"Climbing Uphill"

July 31 2007


"When you come home to me,
I'll wear a sweeter smile,
and maybe for a while, I'll..."
Oh - okay, thank you.  Thank you so much.


I'm climbing uphill, daddy, climbing uphill...
I'm up every morning at 6,
and waiting in line with 200 girls
who are younger and thinner than me...
who have already been to the gym.
I'm waiting 5 hours in line
And watching the girls, coming and going,
in dresses that look just like this...
til my number is finally called.


When I get in the room
There's a table of men.
Always men.
...usually gay.
Who've been sitting like I have
And listening all day
To 200 girls belting as high as they can:
"I am a good person!
I'm an attractive person!
I am a talented person!
Grant me grace!"


"When you come home
(I should have told them I was sick last week,
They're going to think this is the way I sing...
Why is the pianist playing so loud?
Should I sing louder?  I'LL SING LOUDER.
Maybe I should start and stop over...
I'm going to stop and start over...
Why is the director staring at his crotch?
Why is that man staring at my resume??
Don't stare at my resume...
I made up half my resume...

Look at me, stop looking at that,
Look at me!
No, not at my shoes,

don't look at my shoes,
I hate these f-ing shoes!
Why did I pick these shoes,
why did I pick this song,
why did I pick this career,

does this pianist hate me??
If I don't get a callback I can go

to Crate and Barrell with mom and buy a couch.

Not that I want to spend a day with mom,
But Jamie needs space to write
Since I'm obviously such a horrible and annoying distraction
to him, what's he going to be like when we have kids...)

 And once again,
(Why am I working so hard??
These are the people who cast Linda Blair in a musical!
Jesus Christ, I suck, I suck, I suck, I suuuuuuck...)
When finally you come home to-"
Oh - okay, thank you.  Thank you so much!



I will not be the girl
who stays home in the 'burbs
with the baby, the dog, and the garden of herbs.
I will not be the girl in the sensible shoes
Pushing burgers and beer nuts and missing the clues.

I will not be the girl who gets asked how it feels
to be trotting along at the genius's heels.
I will not be the girl who requires a man to get by!
And I -


"When you come home to me,
I'll wear a sweeter smile,
and maybe for a while, I'll..."
Oh - okay, thank you.  Thank you so much.






(From The Last 5 Years)

I can quit in 6 months...

July 31 2007

Yeah, never thought I'd say that, but hey.


I went to the neurologist yesterday. They told me what I already knew and advised me to quit caffene and take the medicine they give me. I can do one of the two immediately, the no caffene thing is gonna be a real pain.


I absolutely refuse to be miserable and go cold turkey, so I'm "weaning" myself. Ehghgh.  

Wedding Planning

July 31 2007
So, wedding planning has been interesting today. The past few days I've been trying to make some decisions so I'm not as stressed out in the coming months. In a month I'll be in my last semester with 21 hours. I have a feeling wedding planning will be stressing me out during this time.  After I graduate, I must find a job. I will probably still be stressing out. Luckily, I now have my honeymoon to look forward to. In 9 months I will be in the Bahamas!  As far as wedding planning, I've been dealing with my registries and looking into floral options. Today mom and I went to the Carrolton House to look at fine china and then to the florist shop in town. We were making great deals until she realized my wedding is during mother's day weekend. Oh good Lord.  So, what we'll probably end up doing is having my aunt, who used to be a florist, help us find silk flowers for the majority of the wedding. Then, my boquet will be fresh flowers from the florist shop in town and we'll do the rentals from there as well. So far my mom is ok with this, which is GOOD. Flowers are turning out to be more expensive than we thought.   I really want to do an arch like this one:

photo from becsaboo 
These are the matching candelabras.

photo from becsaboo  We will also have a unity candle setup as shown above. Just the rentals are going to be about $100.  So, that's been my adventure in wedding planning. I realize I have 9 months to go, but no one seems to realize that starting September until the end of the year, I'm going to be swamped with school... and then a real world job. I need to get as much done while I still have a brain! Thankfully, several big items are taken care of. My mom's best friend Kathleen has been placed in charge of the reception. She's going to be helping us decorate the fellowship hall of my home church.  I'm very excited about everything. Most importantly, I can't wait to marry the man I love and spend my life with him. 

Strange Request

July 31 2007

I got a strange request on my computer today... The updater had to update itself before it could check for updates? I pondered... and then found myself in a space-time continuum.


photo from nathan



July 31 2007

hola kiddo's!  i'm at my mom's work and i am bored...SO BORED.  but this computer is so NICE!!!  It's like a 16-or-so inch flatscreen.  well i don't have too much else to say.  just thought i would say that i want this computer so bad.  and i want lunch.  and i want to STOP reading now.  and i want my friends.  i want a lot of stuff.


PhuseBox Update

July 31 2007

So, I was getting a little tired of the dark top portion of the PhuseBox pages. I have always liked clean, open designs and the dark top definitely did not fit that category - honestly, I do not know what I was thinking when I originally designed that. I actually felt a little depressed every time I landed on the page.


I wanted to make it feel "fun" again - not heavy and dark. Thus, you will now find a new look for the top of the PhuseBox pages. I think this fits better with the tone of the site - and the mood of what is to come.


I also made a couple modifications to the top interface, so let me know if you run into any problems. 



July 31 2007

1. How do you feel about the second to last person you kissed?  idk
2. What's bothering you right now? not coming home
3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again? idk who i kissed last 



4. What is in your wallet?

5.What is on your computers background? Grace

6. Background on your cell phone?
nothing yet

7. Next time you will kiss someone?
  lolin a few months i would hope but its not gonna happen

8. Where your default picture was taken?
   my room

9. Eyes:

10. Life: is pretty fun at times but at others it can be a pain

11. House:
    different . . . not sure i like it 

12. Doing this weekend?
 idk :P

13. Wearing?
 Plaid shorts . . . no shirt

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
I think Jamie or my brother

15. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? a plane ticket

16. Listening to?
 nothing . . . i am in a new house and i dont have any of my stuff

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
on the cheek . . . its my Aunt

18. What do you smell like?
Old Spice

19. Eating?

20. On your bed, what is your favorite thing? dont have a bed

23. Do you remember your dreams?
Yeah most of them . . .  dreaming is one of my favorite things to do


24. Do you burn easily in the sun?
 Not at home but when i moved to Hawaii at first i did but not anny more


25. Have you ever been gambling?

26. What's something you wish you could understand better? lol a lot of things . . .  i am easily confused


27. What did you do last weekend?
Hung out with new firends and missed old ones


28. Who do you miss?

 Grace . . . oh so very much


29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
uhhhh idk how to spell her name i think its Halena shes pretty cool 


30. Orange or apple juice?
   orange is better

31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
Khael and Andrew and Dalton and Reece and Brenton 


32. What was the last text message?


33. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
no sir :P  im saving it for someone special thats not on myspace . . . . :P


34. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
 When i was in Tennessee i tried one ( i hate tomatoes)

36. What was the last thing you drank?

37. Whose house did you go to last night?
The Browns

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
Austin when he messed up his head

39. Do you like someone right now?

nope I love her

40. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?

41. What is the last movie you watched? With who?
       idk uhm . . . Transformers

42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
  Sweet tea .  . . water and the Hawaiian JUICE

43. What are you excited about?
  Coming home . . . yeah i know its a long way away but thats the only thing at the moment i am exited about

44. Do you want someone you can't have?

lol I cant have her for a while . . . blah but shes mine



 45. Who was last to slap your butt?
lol uhm Guy Khael Girl someone from my old school

46. Where was the last place you went?
 Sam's  Club


47. What's on your mind right now?
Grace. . . my stomache hurting and coming home

48.have you cried recently?
yeah . . . most days

49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
Spontanious combustion ?????

50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
yes sir

I don't agree with dogfighting, but I believe people have a right to do what they will with their property.

July 30 2007

For all of you who didn't get the memo, I don't condone dogfighting, cockfighting, or any other kind of forced animal fighting.  But I am a libertarian, so by definition, I believe that less government is better.  That would naturally extend to animal rights laws.  If an animal has the status of "property", it's the owner's rights to do with that property as they wish.  The lamp example is not meant to discount the suffering capacity of animals, but to explain a similar scenario in which property can be misused in a similar moral infraction and our natural reaction.  The government shouldn't legislate a particular brand of morality.


For anyone who strongly disagrees, I'd invite to go to youtube and watch "Meet Your Meat".  Now, if PETA were in charge, what would the result be based on moral legislation? 

More on Dogfighting (In Response to Brittany Jamison)

July 30 2007

In response to your remark, because the Constitution says that all men are created equal, and not all species, slavery is illegal.  Some slaves were treated quite well, but with slavery, treatment wasn't the issue.  Rather, we came to agree--While forcibly, it was rightly so--that colored people, being people, had the same rights as the white people in rule at that time.  It's not a question of treatment of property, but status.  Dogs have a property status: men and women don't.
The other argument you had is commonly used by the PETA crowd--that animals suffer and therefore should be morally immune from certain treatment.  First of all, how do you know when an animal suffers and exactly how it does?  I mean, you could guess, but you would never really know because you could never thoroughly communicate with the animal.  Second, why give preferential treatment to dogs?  Cockroaches feel, theoretically, and by your argument should be granted the same treatment.  However, no sane person likes cockroaches: they're vermin.  Same with rats.  Rats carry disease, defecate frequently, and scatter pieces of trash.  Likewise, they feel, but no sane person loves rats.  So if we agree that some species deserve elimination or serious restriction, what basis are we arguing from that says one species feels more than another?  It's simply subjective morality.

There seems to be some tendency to try to "humanize" animals.  You'll hear voice-overs on some animal show explaining the details of how chimps (or such the like) are so amazingly close to humans.  But even if you believe in Evolution, you have to agree that chimps are nowhere close.  They haven't built cities; they haven't begun wars; and they really can't consider the implications of their actions.  They certainly have compared and contrasted their intellect with other species or have begun to synthesize their own brains.  Do dogs feel bad when they attack a human?  When tigers eat little children do they stop and think should I do this?  It's not considerably evident if they do.

I started this post knowing I'd probably get some flack for it, but the opposition (namely, veganism), however well-meaning, seems terribly misguided. 


July 30 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007 Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) You might believe that you are clear in your communication now, for you know what you are feeling and you're sure about what you want to say. But there is a metaphysical black hole lurking between your mind and your tongue, warping the thoughts that surface. If you're writing poetry or telling a story, this can add vision to your work. But otherwise, you'll need to stay aware of your words so that you don't needlessly confuse others




July 30 2007

ya, i feel like i haven't bloged in forever and a day so.....................ya. I read the last Harry Potter book. It was very good and equally depressing. Funny quote: "IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'M GONNA KILL YOU, HARRY!" haha. Ron, gotta love Ron.


School starts on Monday. I'm so scared, yet im not, really. Im throwing a sleepover and all my friends are going to go to school with me, Woo!!

Crap, i need to clean my room!!!!!!!


"Does thinking I'm the last sane person on the face of the earth make me crazy?" -IRobot. That's a good movie, good movie. NEW FAVORITE SONG: "Spiderpig! Spiderpig! Does whaterver a Spiderpig does!" LOL




July 30 2007

1. How do you feel about the second to last person you kissed? Ha I Would Have To Say Pretty Good. BUT I Dont Know If It Counts Since It Was A Horse :P

2. What's bothering you right now? The theres a lot but my # one would have to be not being abule to hang out with Tyler or like EVER :(

3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
      Ha No...B/c i sold him..haha And again i'm not sure if it counts since it was a horse :P


4. What is in your wallet?
I Dont carry a wallet, i put my money in my back pocket :) fun in the sun

5.What is on your computers background? It would be me riding Kate, cantering through an open filed..AHHH i want to go riding

6. Background on your cell phone?
 Well seeing i dont have a cell phone, there wouldn't be a background

7. Next time you will kiss someone?
  hopfully some day :)

8. Where your default picture was taken?
   In my Kitchen

9. Eyes:

10. Life: is not always what you want but its live with it  

11. House:
    is small...and..yeah just small

12. Doing this weekend?
   Living life like most people do

13. Wearing?
 Jeans - my "Be A Voice Not An Echo" shirt - and i just kicked off my Horse-Girl-Boots

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
AGAIN i dont have a cell phone, get this through your head!

15. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?What if i dont want a thing..and maybe i want a person?? Well i suppose i'll just go with the question and say, a Camera

16. Listening to?
 Cold As You by Talyor Swift

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
No .. that a strange question

18. What do you smell like?
I WISH i smelled like horses b.c that would mean i got to ride today BUT NO.. :( i smell oh so good though :)

19. Eating?

20. On your bed, what is your favorite thing?
My Jounal

23. Do you remember your dreams?
Yep.....manly the bad ones :( but i remember some good ones

24. Do you burn easily in the sun?

25. Have you ever been gambling?
 Well if gambling means playing poker with my brother when i was like...11 with money. Then yes  i have. BAD GRACE :P

26. What's something you wish you could understand better? The Christian Fath....and myself :P I dont think anyone understands me :P


27. What did you do last weekend?
shopping and a movie

28. Who do you miss?

 What kinda question is this... You people know who i miss.... Its a kid named Tyler


29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
I would have to say.....i have no idea :P


30. Orange or apple juice?
   ether or.. i dont care

31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
Carmen Pooch E.A


32. What was the last text message?
 OMGosh you still dont get it...THERE IS NOT CELL PHONE


33. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
No i dont have a MySpace..sorry..and even if i did have one...the answer would still be no

34. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
 I HAVE NO IDEA...and who cares

36. What was the last thing you drank?

37. Whose house did you go to last night?
My house :) lol

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
I Think it was......i dont know i haven't been to the hospital in a long time

39. Do you like someone right now?
 HA wow you peopel are stupid if you dont know...but i'll answer it anyway, Yes Very Much So 

40. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?

41. What is the last movie you watched? With who?
       HAIRSPRAY *GRATE MOVIE* and i watched it with Carmen Pooch E.A

42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
  Water...Water.... & Water

43. What are you excited about?
    Riding My Horse....when ever someone will take me to ride

44. Do you want someone you can't have?
No... :P

45. Who was last to slap your butt?
Well people should know not to slap my butt......

46. Where was the last place you went?
       Stupid Spanish Call


47. What's on your mind right now?
Food...i'm hungry

48.have you cried recently?
not real

49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
nothing..i think.. IDK i hate these kindas of questions..They make my brain work and thats not fun...haha

50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
yep yep

why not

July 30 2007

1. How do you feel about the second to last person you kissed? i've never kissed anyone

2. What's bothering you right now? there are a lot of things bothering me but mostly myself is bothering me

3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
      NO i have never kissed anyone
4. What is in your wallet?
capital j/k money and pictures

5.What is on your computers background
lots and lots of people

6. Background on your cell phone?
 don't have one dang it
7. Next time you will kiss someone?
  i don't know when i will kiss someone i guess when i feel like it gosh

8. Where your default picture was taken?
   um...courtney and candace's

9. Eyes:
10. Life: sucks sometimes 

11. House:
    small and kinda cool i guess

12. Doing this weekend?
   going to paintball woo
13. Wearing? don't need to know.  :P

i'm still in my jammies!

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?

15. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
        i would have austin

16. Listening to?
  nothing right now...which is odd 

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
no that would be strange

18. What do you smell like?
   um...i smell like herbal essences shampoo and conditioner and my deodorant...peaches..yum.  it smells so good!
19. Eating?
 um  pb&j and chips

20. On your bed, what is your favorite thing?
   i don't have stuff on my bed except covers and pillows...wooopty dooo

23. Do you remember your dreams?
    yeah.  i think i'll tell you one.  well in real life my cousin told me that people with jacked up teeth kiss better and so that night i had a dream that austin got braces and i cried.  I CAN'T CONTROL MY DREAMS

24. Do you burn easily in the sun?
 yes i do...gosh i'm so pale! 

25. Have you ever been gambling?
 you don't need to know that
26. What's something you wish you could understand better?
      love...and math
27. What did you do last weekend? and a movie

28. Who do you miss?
       i miss...TYLER
29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
   i don't know...i don't normally hug that many girls
30. Orange or apple juice?
   apples and orange juice..yum

31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
32. What was the last text message?
 probably something around "you're a nerd"

33. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
     no i don't have a myspace

34. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
     I HATE TOMATOES  i don't eat them

36. What was the last thing you drank?

37. Whose house did you go to last night?
  well i didn't go in but i WENT to grace's house

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
      um...........i don't remember
39. Do you like someone right now?
     love like yes 

40. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
 jeans all the way

41. What is the last movie you watched? With who?
       HAIRSPRAY grace

42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
  root beer gingerale and WATER
43. What are you excited about?
    nothing at the moment
44. Do you want someone you can't have?
         yes i do very much so and i wonder when it's gonna make it through their thick skull

45. Who was last to slap your butt?
     i don't know people better not slap my butt or i'll be slappin something of theirs a lot harder

46. Where was the last place you went?
       uh i don't remember
47. What's on your mind right now?
        austin...and school...scary

48.have you cried recently?
   yeah just a few mins ago actually

49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
 it will go the other way?
50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
yeah i guess so but i wouldn't call it a habit well maybe but it's a good one


July 30 2007

1. How do you feel about the second to last person you kissed? we are just friends now soo i woulnt do that.

2. What's bothering you right now?
  people that needs to shut their mouth about stuff they dont know.

3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
      Maybe idk

4. What is in your wallet?

5.What is on your computers background
  Me Me Me

6. Background on your cell phone?
    a cool picture i took of a bridge

7. Next time you will kiss someone?
   idk these are some personal questions..

8. Where your default picture was taken?
    My bathroom.. lol

9. Eyes:
    dk they put on my permitt thingy hazel

10. Life: is soo werid b/c you have to go through soo much and be living a christin walk..

11. House:
    big and boring

12. Doing this weekend?
       dk prob sitting home on the computer

13. Wearing?
     jeans and a areopostle t-shirt and boxers and sandles.. lol

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
       huh prob kirk

15. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
           chase or paige back here

16. Listening to?
     every breath you take...

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?

18. What do you smell like?
   well just got out of the shower and i smell G-R-E-A-T

19. Eating?

20. On your bed, what is your favorite thing?
     my pillows

23. Do you remember your dreams?

24. Do you burn easily in the sun?
umm not really.. i wish i did

25. Have you ever been gambling?

26. What's something you wish you could understand better?
      the bible... and social studies.. lol

27. What did you do last weekend?
     went school shopping

28. Who do you miss?
       my mommy toy =) .. chase and paige =(

29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
    huh prob. the pasters wife.. lol

30. Orange or apple juice?
   Orange juice

31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
my mom

32. What was the last text message?

33. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
     yes yes!

34. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
     the other day

36. What was the last thing you drank?

37. Whose house did you go to last night?
   huh prob angela

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
       my uncle

39. Do you like someone right now?
        yeah i think..

40. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?

41. What is the last movie you watched? With who?
       The flintstones

42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
Dr. pepper ,Gatorade, and mountian dew

43. What are you excited about?
       school startin

44. Do you want someone you can't have?
         yes.. =(

45. Who was last to slap your butt?
        idk it happens to much

46. Where was the last place you went?
       car lot

47. What's on your mind right now?
        school and going to mime practice

48.have you cried recently?

49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
 the object gets hurt.. idk

50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
yes b/c i dont want to ......


July 30 2007

i want to punch something.


July 29 2007


     Neve let the fear of stricking out.. keep you from playing the GAME!!


                          ---- From some movie

im here!!

July 29 2007

hey yall!!

im savannah but most of u know me as austins friend from north carolina but...oh well

i miss em sooo much even though i talk 2 em a lot

hes told me all about yall & how he likes me better. lol not really

he prolly didnt tell yall how i beat him @ air hocky a billion times...using my left hand...& im right handed lol its ok 


i luv sports & i play all tha time. i go 2 church & luv God & wanna live 4 Him

theres not that much 2 kno bout me but there ya go

July 29 2007

so i have had a fun two days!  on saturday i went shopping with a friend (grace) and today after church i went and saw hairspray!  it was a lot better than i expected.  it got me all hyped-up for the musical at our school...I CAN'T WAIT!  well anyway the REALLY super fun part was during the credits when i got the get up and DANCE!  so i did and oh my gosh it was so fun...i would do it again in a heartbeat.  i was laughing so hard and it felt good just to be crazy!  (i am anyway but whatev) yeah!  i'm kinda feeling better about school but tomorrow i will probably not be on very much because i HAVE to read.  i haven't finished my books and i realized this morning "SCHOOL STARTS ON WEDNESDAY OH MY HOLY GOSH!" yeah.  that's about all

~carmen luvs austin~
photo from


July 29 2007

Well i am going to the beach again today. North Shore . . . again.

PARTY at a beach house :)

have fun in TN



July 29 2007

We're back. And omigawsh I'm tired...


Anyways, i got a puppy. Super cute. 

Not Much..

July 29 2007

But im getting a job at Dairy Queen.. yeah im excited.. but i already got a job paper thingy and thye were like are you 16 and im like im aboutr to turn 16 and they was like ohh ok.. cool. soo im gonna be making some m-o-n-e-y!!


       In other new im not getting a mustang i getting a 2007 something its a really really nice sports car.. it starts w/ a t and it cost 20000 yeah i gonnna safe a little and my mom and dad are gonna give me a little... so we are doing half and half.. yeah cool!!! its a grayish color.!!! i love it

New Post

July 28 2007

Haven't blogged as much lately, so figured I'd notify of the update.  :)


July 28 2007

Kristin b.c i really dont know her really good and i want to


    If you could have one super power what would it be??



 now answer it and post it on a blog and write a question under it.. kk

Jesus Saves

July 28 2007
Today at church we did that riff raff rock art stuff. It was really fun. I got to hang out with my church friends. Although I've kind of hung out with them every night this week because we had VBS, but that's a different story. Anyway. So we made 'Jesus Saves' in rocks, and it looks really cool. We spray painted the words red and filled everything else in. The only down side was that it was extremely hot. I probably sweated off like 5 pounds. But like I said, it looks really cool.

Your name!!

July 28 2007

 im getting a tattoo on mt butt saying your name.. lol but yeah i think i am when i get a little older.. and i go up to someone and say i have your name on my butt and they will be like w.e lol




Love Addict

July 28 2007

Doctor, Doctor, I�ve got an emergency
It seems I'm head over heels, a case of L-O-V-E
It's like I'm glowing inside
Yeah, a light I can't hide
And if this feeling is bad then I don't wanna be right
What I've got in my soul gives me the highest delight
Oh yeah it's better than drugs
In fact it's sent from above, huh huh

Hold up, wait a minute, put a little love in it

Hey, Can't kick the habit
Yeah, I got to have it
Yeah, I 'm what they call a
Love addict, Love addict
Hey, can't live without it
Yeah, G'on shout about it
Hey, I'm a symptomatic
Love addict, Love addict

Need a refill cause I just can't get enough
I've got a fever, oh yeah, and the prescription's love
So lay the truth on me
Cause that is all that I need

Hold up, wait a minute, put a little love in it

Hey, Can't kick the habit
Yeah, I got to have it
Yeah, I 'm what they call a
Love addict, Love addict
Hey, can't live without it
Yeah, G'on shout about it
Hey, I'm a symptomatic
Love addict, Love addict

I'm blessed, I must confess
My heart is pounding in my chest
Cause this love's the best
I'm just a love addict

Coming down with something outrageous
Lookout now cause it so contagious
This feeling's got me reeling
So amped up that I hit the ceiling
Gotta clear my throat
Huh huh, now I gotta have some more

Hold up, wait a minute, put a little love in it





i love this song



July 28 2007


after today i wont be on for a while. We are moving. You can call me if you need anything. I will be back on the 9th but i think i will be on whenever i go to the church. 

BUT call me if you need to. I am going to North Shore today  so i might not be available till later.


More Explicit than Manson

July 28 2007

Jonathan Wood, you are a punk for never visiting me. Do I need to come down there or something? Your face will be thrashed with the sounds of a thousand beetles.


July 28 2007

Lol i can never make up my mind about my hair :P

i think i am going to grow it out again :)


mmm long hair . . . i miss it

everyone here has long hair 




July 28 2007

I think God has revealed his purpose for me being here. I am not sure yet but i prayed and asked him today and i think He said something to me. Then later in the day he told me more. I just need to keep praying and asking for guidence right now. I'm pretty stoked that i think i know why i am here.  Well here are some verses i found today at youth group.

Psalm 119:161-168


I've been slandered unmercifully by the politicians,
      but my awe at your words keeps me stable.
   I'm ecstatic over what you say,
      like one who strikes it rich.
   I hate lies—can't stand them!—
      but I love what you have revealed.
   Seven times each day I stop and shout praises
      for the way you keep everything running right.
   For those who love what you reveal, everything fits—
      no stumbling around in the dark for them.
   I wait expectantly for your salvation;
      God, I do what you tell me.
   My soul guards and keeps all your instructions—
      oh, how much I love them!
   I follow your directions, abide by your counsel;
      my life's an open book before you.


                                                                 THE MESSAGE

Previous Wedding Planning

July 27 2007

These are old wedding blog entries:



So I've been busy grabbing up as much as I can when big sales come along. Here is what I managed to grab on my list Wal-mart run:

photo from becsaboo

The flower girl basket, a guestbook (with pen), and the something blue, garter. All of these was about $15! I had planned on making my own guestbook, but I couldn't turn away a $5 guestbook. 


Wal-mart wedding stuff doesn't look that bad and some of it is great. For example, I bought my planner from Wal-mart a few months back:

photo from becsaboo

It is AMAZING. It was the right size so I can add pages to it and it comes with great budget sheets and tons of folders to put in business cards and vendor information. I love it.


This wedding planning business  is getting quite fun. The other day I went with my mom to look at the Carrollton House, where most brides in my county go to register for fine china. I saw some things I liked and I'll be going back when it gets closer to the wedidng date.

photo from becsaboo

I took home several brochures to show Gray.



A few small updates

Posted on Friday July 13, 2007 

So I was looking at the budget yesterday, which is tight because my mom is currently jobless, and realized how fortunate we are right now. It seems like every major item, other than my dress, that was going to cost a lot, is not because a friend or family member has volunteered services. A lady that goes to my church does photography for weddings for donations only. She is the mother of a girl around my age who got married last summer so she definitely knows how hectic they can be. In fact, she usually uses the backyard of my mom's good friend Kathleen Lee. Mrs. Lee's yard is absolutely beautiful and I definitely want to use it for some after wedding shots. I'd love to do some bridal portrait pictures there as well. The Lee's have worked very hard to landscape their yard and it looks professional. We haven't made any official decisions yet regarding photography. We will probably wait a few more months before we do. But because of the tight budget, anything we can get for free or cheap is great.
Another item that fell into my lap was the cake. Now, I was prepared to spend the bucks on the cake, because it's just hard not to. My aunt and cousins have done cakes before and my mother asked them if they'd consider doing a wedding cake. It looks as though they may. This makes me extremely happy because if this goes through, I will have my cake for free. Of course, there is the groom's cake, but that shouldn't be an issue. Gray wants chocolate with strawberries.

Well, more updates later. Since we've started registering, I'm trying to keep track of what we registerred for and where. It's quite a huge job because neither of us have much to start off with. In fact, I'm moving into an apartment in the fall (as is Gray) where my roommates and I have a few hundred to go in and get joint stuff for the apartment, which will stay when I move out. We were able to get the money because of referals to the apartment comlex. Literally, Trina ended up referred her three new roommates, Gray and one of his... 5 referrals. So approximately $250 to Trina.

One last note, Bed Bath and Beyond is expensive but their customer service is SO nice. The first time we went, the machines were down for the registry system, but we were able to fill up two shopping carts full of stuff and they entered it for us today. The second time we went I was worrying about how guests would buy our china, since it's not in the story, you have to order it at the store or online and they ship it... well the lady who helped us was SO nice and reassured me not to worry about anything, that I had enough to worry about besides registrying.

And that's all for now.

Hey dough! (Swedish for goodbye)--------------------------------------------- 

Personalized Napkins and Save the Date Cards

Posted on Monday July 9, 2007 - 
photo from becsaboo

So, Gray and I just got back from Sweden and South Korea. While I was going my mom had the napkin problem fixed and we received our save-the-date cards in the mail.
photo from becsaboo

Gray and I are starting to register for gifts since relatives have started to ask what we want. We will be registering very soon and adding lists to the website.

Tomorrow marks the 10 month countdown. We're starting to get excited and I am realizing how much needs to be done. I'm just so thankful with how much we've been blessed the past two months. We may have a local photographer and my aunt might be making the wedding cake. Everything is falling into place.

Prayer requests: Please pray for my family. Right now we're under extreme financial crisis and there are some other issues popping up.


Personalized Napkin Problem

Posted on Wednesday May 9, 2007  So it wasn't going to be too long before I ran into a problem.
photo from becsaboo

Yesterday I received my personalized napkins in the mail. I was really excited until I read them. Not, they are fine except for one small error. We ordered them with a monogram initial, S. for Sanborn. Instead of a S, we have a G. As in Gray. I had Gray call them and they basically said we'd have to send them back, but WE'D have ot pay s/h. I informed my mother and now my dear sister will be making the phone call to them.

Stay tuned for more drama in wedding planning.--------------------------------------------- 

Almost a year to go!

Posted on Tuesday May 1, 2007  So school is winding down and I'm about to be able to actually plan some stuff. It's all exciting. So far I've made two wedding purchases. I purchased personalized napkins, with our names and wedding date...
 They are pink with black lettering. Then yesterday when we were at Wal-mart, Gray and I realized that they had the bubbles we wanted, for only $3... so we bought six boxes (24 in each box). So that's my two purchases so far. I'm really only making purchases when I find deals at the moment. Since we're trying to keep it simple, the bubbles will double as favors. I'm planning on adding ribbon to detail them. That will come later though.

I attended a lingerie shower on Sunday for Miss Ginger Harvey. She's getting married on May 12th! And Mandy is getting married July 21st. So that's at least two weddings to go to this summer. I'm pretty excited.--------------------------------------------- 
Posted on Wednesday April 11, 2007  It is now officially 13 months until the wedding and Gray and I are excited! --------------------------------------------- 

Engagement Pictures

Posted on Friday April 6, 2007  Today Gray and I met up with Andrew Nelson to take our engagement pictures. He is extremely talented. Here is a preview of what he did. It was a lot of fun and we were actually the first engagement couple he has ever shot before.

There will not be much more wedding planning done until July when I'm back from Sweden.


Wedding Planning Update!

Posted on Saturday March 24, 2007
photo from becsaboo

So it's been a month, I know! Life has been crazy! There are a few things I've been looking at in that month:
  • colors (rose pink and olive green - see picture)
  • photography (engagement shots by Andrew Nelson, still deciding on my actual photographer, but I've got a few good options)
  • wedding coordinator - Leah! She's going to help me plan and she lives near where I'm getting married so she should be a big help. That and she will help the big day go off without a hitch!
  • Bridesmaid Dress shopping - We went today and I've got a good idea of what I want and what they want. Now it's just a matter of seeing what comes out over the next few months. The picture is an idea of what we'll be getting... tea length and strapless, but not as frilly....
So yeah, it's been a slow but sort of hectic month. I've been busy with school and still am. I wanted to go with my girls at least once before school got out because of summer and everything. One of my girls will be overseas next year and so I wanted to get an idea of what looked best on her before she left. I can't wait for school to get out so I can go to Sweden! And then let the wedding planning ensue!




Wedding Dress

Posted on Saturday February 17, 2007 The wedding dress has been purchased! This weekend I went up to David's Bridal in Antioch with my mom, sister, and her fiancee. I tried on two dresses and the third was nice, but it didn't have a train. The 4th dress was THE dress. hehe I ended up trying on another dress and hated it, I knew that the dress was the dress immediately. It is absolutely beautiful and it has the longest train in the entire store! Plus we got it on a sale day so that was good. I'm going to be taking my bridesmaids back in March to try on their dresses and I will probably have Paul and Tracey bring Kristy up to gets hers as well. So, yay for that! Oh and trust me, you KNOW when it's the dress, you just do. Although it is rather a funny story to tell about how it got picked out.




Posted on Tuesday February 13, 2007
We now have our officiant (Beau Berman, Gray's home church college pastor) and we will be having engagements pictures taken soon by the fabulous Andrew Nelson!

Oh and please keep us in your prayers as both of us are raising support money for Sweden this summer.


Whats Up?

July 27 2007

Hey My Fantastic People,
Hows it going. The past few days have been craZy yet calm. I got to go to one of my old friends house :) We went canoeing down a rive that goes around by their house, and as most of you know, i HATE bodies of water. Anything other than a pool or a creek does not go well with me. But i went anyways and it was a lot of fun, so i'm proud of myself for doing it. Other then that accomplishment nothing much has happend to me. I've been up to the same old same old. But i do have a prayer request, You see my mom cleans houses during the day ( as some of you know ) and she just got another job at the 700Club at night. She leaves at 5:00 and doesn't get home tell 12:00. She only has that job at night on i think its Monday-night, Thursday-night, & Friday-night. But shes really tired, and if you guys could pray for her. That would be FANTASTIC. And one more thing, some of you know i dont get along with my mom all that swell, I've been trying to work on it but if you guys could please pray for me on that. THANKS :)


July 27 2007
today was well......interesting....ok overall...i am so ready for the weekend!!! gonna go see hairspray tomorrow nite with some friends...i am excited!!!im gonna go get my permit soon....what school is it that has a practice test on their website??if you know tell me please....well have a great day everyone!!!


July 27 2007

*-he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar... :(-*

To Tyler

July 27 2007


  Tyler i fell aslleep last night and i had a dream that you died..

 =( it felt soo real i was crying in the dream but it felt like i crying when i woke up.. then your mom tried to kill me.. wow but you kiled yourself b/c you were depress b/c you didnt like Hawii.. man that dream felt real like your mom was killing people the mime team was in and alott of my friends.. hope ya doing good!! miss ya


July 27 2007

i pretty much got my hair chopped off.


but i like it.

which really surprised me. haha.


so, nationals is in like 10 days..and i'm reaaaallly excited. =]

our HV is AMAZING. haha..i love it. 

umm. and our worship team is pretty awesome.

and of course, when the miller girls go, they're bound to do something..haha.

but i love my "sisters"..they're pretty cool. 



that's about it!





July 27 2007

Yeah i was listening to this song and a certain line stuck out to me


so here it is


A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown


July 27 2007
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Stability |||||||||| 33% Orderliness |||| 16% Accommodation |||||||||||| 43% Interdependence |||||||||||||| 56% Intellectual |||||||||||| 43% Mystical |||||| 30% Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Religious |||||||||||||||| 70% Hedonism || 10% Materialism |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 63% Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 56% Work ethic || 10% Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50% Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70% Need to dominate |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Romantic |||||||||||||| 56% Avoidant |||||||||||| 50% Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63% Wealth |||||||||||| 50% Dependency |||||||||| 36% Change averse |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Cautiousness |||||||||||| 43% Individuality |||||||||| 36% Sexuality || 10% Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76% Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||||||| 84% Histrionic |||||||||||||||||| 76% Paranoia |||||||||||| 50% Vanity |||||||||||||||| 63% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 63% Indie |||| 16% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

i figured i would be a copy cat here because this is kinda fun

trait snapshot:

craves attention, messy, open, rash, irritable, likes large parties, low self control, weird, fragile, does not like to be alone, emotionally sensitive, worrying, depressed, heart over mind, does not respect authority, dependent, not rule conscious, not good at saving money, more interested in relationships than intellectual pursuits, likes to fit in, very social, frequently second guesses self, phobic, suspicious, not careful, outgoing, vain, compassionate, aggressive, likes to make fun, hates to losewow i like how they called me weird...thanks


July 27 2007


everyone i get so bored during the day. Call me or something.

my moms cell phine number is 390 4625

please i am bored :P 

I stole this from Elizebeth

July 26 2007
Advanced Global Personality Test Results

Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63% Stability |||||||||| 40% Orderliness |||||||||| 40% Accommodation |||||||||||| 43% Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 63% Intellectual |||||| 30% Mystical |||||| 23% Artistic |||||||||| 36% Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Hedonism || 10% Materialism |||||||||||||||| 63% Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 70% Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50% Work ethic |||||||||||| 50% Self absorbed |||||||||||| 43% Conflict seeking |||||| 30% Need to dominate |||||||||||||||| 63% Romantic |||||||||||| 43% Avoidant |||||| 30% Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56% Wealth |||||| 30% Dependency |||||||||||| 50% Change averse |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Cautiousness |||||||||| 36% Individuality |||||||||||||| 56% Sexuality |||| 16% Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Physical security |||||||||||||||| 63% Physical fitness |||||||||||||||| 64% Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70% Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63% Vanity |||||||||||||||||| 76% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 50% Indie ||||||


Michael Vick and Dogfighting--A Libertarian's View

July 26 2007

Let's say I bought a lamp for $100.00. While you think my money could probably have been spent better elsewhere, you understand that I have a right to use my money for whatever I want.  Now, I take this lamp to my house for the specific purpose of dropping it from a ladder.  Well, that would be dumb, now wouldn't it?  After all, wastefulness is a moral infraction.  But it's my right, for it is my property.  So I do it anyway.  Would you call the cops and imprison me for destroying my property, or would you respectfully disagree and maybe consider pursuing another friendship--especially one less stupid?


Why is Michael Vick's alleged dogfighting ring any different?  They paid for the dogs involved.  Sure, it's a stupid expenditure, but I'm sure we all have those.  I don't agree with dogfighting, but I feel like people have the right to do with their property as they so choose.


July 26 2007








My Day...

July 26 2007
 Well it sarted last night... my sister was gonna go get her physical and i was gonna go take my permitt.. well i studied till like 3 in the morning. her appointment was at 9am and was was gonna go take it before that.. well im not an early person i wake up feeling good. and i take a hot shower and got out and got all cleaned up in case i got it... well im wearing my ae pant and my areopostal polo and im looking good. well i get down to the stupid place and itr was like 40mins till her appointment well we ask the people how long will it take for me to take my permitt.. and they were like you have to wait till all those people and i turn around and there was like 10 soo i was like momma we will come back.. well we went to sonic and ate and went to the doctor well spent about an hour i and an  half their and theen i was like ok im gonna go get it well momma was like do you want your hair cut and i was lie sure and i went to the place and she was book till noon so i was ok we will come back we ge to the drivers place and we went in and i got my number thing and we wait for bout 30mins we get called and we go up there and they was like was your social number and then i was like idk and momma was like idk and then they were like then you cant take the test and i was kinda mad.. well then we cant in touch w/ my step-dad nor my real-dad well we were on our way home to ge the social thingy and my real-dad calls man i was glad and he told me we was still in dickson soo i was glad we get there and get a new number and and get recalled up there and we lost my birth thing soo we start looking and found it well i finally ge to take the test and i did really good on it but i had bout 2 questions left when it turns off i missed to many questions ive been studing on line like the last 3 days and i got all those questions right it was the tricky ones i didnt get.. i wouldve past if  i wouldve went w/ my first guess .. thats a lesson for me.. yup but im going mustang hunting tomarrow to see which one like like..!!! thats my day

The War Zone I Live In

July 26 2007
For the past few weeks, I've known that God's been calling me to draw closer. But I've resisted. Why would I resist Almighty God? How ridiculous. He's never been unfaithful. He's never done anything to me that wasn't for my own good. What was I afraid of?

Those refining fires mentioned in Malachi. The ones that purifying silver. Silver has to go through rounds and rounds of fires before all the impurities are wiped away. And I didn't want to go through that process, because I knew I had sin in my life. Not a "big" sin that would be make me the outcast of the church, but I was definitely clinging onto something.

As most of you already know, my granddad passed away early last month after suffering from Alheizmer's for a couple of years. That and an experience working with childer in inner-city Charleston the next week really fired me up. I was ready to live for God, I determined. I was ready to set things straight.

Of course that interest died away pretty quickly. I was good for a few days, perhaps, maybe a week, but it slowly drifted away. That sin... the pride, conceit, judgemental nature I had grown accustomed to was still there, and I wasn't honestly seeking God to take it away. Of course I asked Him to take it away, but I didn't follow through with my heart. I was afraid of the fire He might throw me into to change me.

This week has been a week of shocking news. I guess it really started just a little over a week, though, when Garrett's grandmother passed away unexpectedly. She was old, granted, but she wasn't really sick. Nothing seemed wrong. Nothing really was wrong. She just passed on quitely and peacefully in her sleep.

Monday I learned of another death that hit close to home. And then another one on Tueday. By Wednesday, I was most certainly paranoid of who else was going to die, but instead I received some other shocking news. And it was then that I realized God was saying, "Hey, wake up, time to come back to me!"

To say my prayer life has been lacking would be an understatement. It's terrible. I thought I was going to improve in June, and I did for a short time, but that began to slip my mind as well. Between a book I'm slowly reading through and all this bad news I have been receiving, I am realizing that it absolutely and totally essential for me to continously seek His counsel, because without that, I am going to fall. Romans 8 promises that, as a child of God, I am not supposed to live a life condemned to sin and death. I am to to live freely and fully. And that's the way I've felt lately.

Last night, I talked to God out loud in my car. There was so much on my heart and I had to get it all out. It felt so good to say it all aloud. And I felt like I was making a step in the right direction.

Earlier today I read Romans 8 out loud in the privacy of my room. This passage continues to be the most encouraging piece of Scripture to me. A lot of people look at it and talk about predestination, but what I see in there are God's precious promises: that we are not condemned, that there is a future glory for us, that earth is not home and we will not forever be trapped in our earthly shells, that He intercedes for us when we have no idea how to pray, that He loves us and nothing will change that.

And then I looked at Matthew 4, where it talks about the temptation of Jesus. In the first verse it says: "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil". Immediately I was taken aback. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to be tempted?! How terrible is that?! I don't associate the Holy Spirit with temptation, except when I overcome it. I never thought that he may actually lead me to a place of temptation!

And in verse two, we see that Jesus was weak with hunger because he fasted for forty days. I'm sure that if you're fasting in the desert for forty days and seriously seeking God that it's a pretty awesome worship experience, but Jesus, just like any of us, got hungry and that probably consumed His being at that time more than the awesome experience He just had. Otherwise, I don't think the Scripture would be so specific as to mention the fact that he was hungry.

But He overcame the temptation. He passed the test. And in the end, He was strengthned because of it (verse 11).

The point I'm trying to make here is that I don't know when or where temptation will come to me. I don't know what I will be tempted by before it comes to me. I don't know what to prepare for on my own. This is why I need to stay in touch with my Savior, becuase He alone can equip me for what is ahead, so that I will not be overcome by the temptations I face, but that I will find a way out.

Just a few weeks ago I got really cocky about an area of my life I have managed to do well in, which I know is really only by God's grace and strength. And I had to remember that I was capable of falling there anytime, and that's why I always have to be alert and praying. Always. I am in a constant war zone. I cannot take that lightly. I cannot afford to take that lightly. Otherwise, I'm going to end up in a really bad situation, and I'm going to ask God, "Why'd you put me here?" And He'll have to remind me that He didn't... I did.

So I'm going to try to do better. Seriously. Really. But I'm not perfect. I don't have much of a plan. I'm just going to pray more, seek Him more. But prayer and encouragment is always appreaciated, because I cannot make this work on my own. I am not strong enough. I'm still a mess. I've just told God, "Before I wasn't serious about change, but now I am. Let me know what I need to do". And now, I'm not scared that God's going to throw all sorts of scary things my way. Now I'm looking forward to what He has planned for me. And even if I have to go through the fire to get there... I know it'll be ok.


July 26 2007

well i finally finished the seventh harry potter book. i was about to say last, but for some reason, i kinda dont want it to be last. as my friend and i were saying the other day, it's like the symbol of the close to our childhood. my friends and i were talking the other day, and it amazed us how we could still be so into something that we started when we werent even teenagers yet.


i was thinking on the way to the library, as i still dont have my comp back yet, why i like the harry potter books. i think i know why. and part of it just dawned on me right now. but i'll elaborate on that later. i'm on a time crunch. i gotta go to stats class here soon.


lately i seem to know that i am called for something more. something worthwild. i'll find it. and when i say something more. i mean more than just a stupid desk job. buy ya'll know what i mean


hope ya'll had a great day!




July 26 2007