
September 24 2005
everything's all good. little stressed this weekend, because amy dent is a difficult person to plan a surprise party for. but whatever. other than that, everything is a-ok. i'm feeling pretty unexciting about now. rar, these journal things are going out the window. didn't get to go to the ruddy talent show because they sold out of tickets? would have gotten one sooner if i knew i had to sit at a table with 3 drummers talking drummers talk and drumming on the table and a practice pad. my ears were ringing. it was painful on my head. then we were supposed to have rock band practice during mr. bhs. did not want to go to that at all. but they made us go to it anyways...yeah,whatever. we haven't practiced in a few weeks and are trying to make your school look better by sounding better. darn people. we did well at the game anyways. so booyah. :) texas?...i think it should be fun.


September 24 2005
teeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss. what the heck?


October 02 2005
are you in latin 1 or 2


October 03 2005
no its way better than band. mrs. birkofer is the best teacher ever i hope she stays until im gone. what period do you have her?


October 06 2005
saw you at target nanananananerrrrrr. i thought mrs. birkofer was staying for a few more years.


October 09 2005
aw that sucks big eggs.


October 13 2005
yeah mrs. birkofer should clone herself and like let one of herself at least be our teacher. yeah signing random names on random things is the shiz. and i bet someone did believe it cus i know i sure would.:)


October 14 2005
hi chico