I agree with Grace.....

June 23 2005
Everyone is acting totally weird lately. I mean EVERYONE.
They should all stop. Immediately.

So it's hot. And I want to go swimming. I would say that none of you could see me in my bathing suit, but if you've checked the profile picture, then there you go.
I should wear a different one just to throw you off. But why does it matter.
None of you are thinking about me in a bothing suit anyway.
I hope.
Hee hee.

Krista Anderson

June 23 2005
Jane, that pic is hott. Yes, with hott with 2 t's.


June 23 2005
I dunnooooooo


June 23 2005
am I acting weird?....sorry Jane, I just thought about you in a bathing suit....is that a problem? ;)

Sarah Vermillion

June 23 2005
Swimming would be nice... if I HAD a bathing suit. ^_^

Alice Eatherton

June 23 2005
Janie is soooper hott in anything!! Or nothing at all...lol...I sent you some funny stuff in your email! Check it! CJ sent it to me...it's hilarious!

Brett Tenpenny

June 23 2005
i have a swimming pool.

the brian king kenobi

June 23 2005
i'm not acting weird. or maybe i am. but only because i need whales . . .

Rachel Tenpenny

June 23 2005
that is SO COOL.. you MUST TELL ME how you do that.. w/photoshop? (the black and white and BAM COLOR thing, i mean.) hmm.. swimming.. good idea...

Sarah Vermillion

June 23 2005
((points to comment above. smiles proudly)) I DID THAT! THE PHOTOSHOP THING! WHEE!


June 24 2005
I believe Sarah is very proud of her work. She should be! ;) hmmm...can I go swimming with you?


June 24 2005
Maybe you should just start liking good


June 24 2005
babysittings fun..i just hate when they fuss!! it drives me nuts!! but the kids i babysit are pretty cool.. and how's your sister doing? Grace? right..yea i remember when my brother, John and Grace were good friends... ttyl


June 24 2005
i wish i could go swimming right about now...

Nelson Lumpkin

June 24 2005
Yes. Yes there is......

Alice Eatherton

June 25 2005
Hey...CJ was trying to talk to you earlier for me...well, if you talk to your mom, tell her that I'll be there on the 9th or 10th...if that's OK that I'm there as soon as she is. Just let me know please! *Faery kisses*

Mark Eatherton

June 25 2005
Hey, I just wanted to cheer you up, ok? Don't think I was doing it just because, ok? You are Tara's best friend and if she thinks so much about you then that must mean something. You are a really good person. And I love the Suit!