Jeana Lewis


mini vacation

May 11 2006
What a week!  It's been a bit hectic.  Maybe it's just me but things seem to have piled up a bit and I don't handle that too well.  When there are several things that need to be done at the same time I seem to go into overload mode and sort of freak out.  I CAN'T HANDLE THE PRESSURE!!!!  

So how am I gonna handle it?  I'm going out of town!  Randy is teaching a motorcycle safety class in Cookeville this weekend.  It just so happens that 3 of my most favorite people live there and are available this weekend.  So...

Randy and I are going over on the motorcycle on Friday and won't be back until Sunday evening.  Randy will work and I will play - with my grandson!  He's... well... practically perfect in every way!  I do love that little boy!  I'm pretty crazy about his parents too of course.  We're gonna hang out and piddle around and talk baby talk and who knows what else.

Yes, it stresses me a bit to leave town with knee deep grass in my yard and a dirty house and graduation plans to think about but I console myself by remembering that it'll ALL be here waiting for me when I get back.  ugh.

That's okay - it'll get done - or it won't.  Some things are more important than a clean house and a nicely kept yard.  This is one of them!  Time with people I love and some rest and relaxation rate high on my list of important things.

Ya'll have a fantastic weekend!  I sure plan to!!!


adam rodrigues

May 11 2006
Hmmm, you should read my message.. haha, I love you Mrs. Jeana! :)


May 12 2006
"practically perfect"? Silly Nana! He's absolutely perfect!


May 13 2006
wow, well i hope that you get all anti-stressed out...or however you might say that..