Jeana Lewis


Who has time for this???

February 10 2006
It looks like you guys spend TONS of time on these things.  Where do you find the time?  I spend most of my time rushing from one thing to the next!  My life is pandemonium! 
I guess I do have "down time" most evenings but by then I'm more brain dead then usual!  It makes me tired thinking about it.  I'm going to go take a nap.


February 10 2006
hello...Mrs. Jeana..

Chris Jensen

February 10 2006
I post on my own periodicaly

Jessica Jo

February 10 2006
hehe. I'm so glad you got one of these. Well I usually have to do all of my homework on the computer so it's easy. And we are allowed access to them during school. Yeah. I guess we do spend a lot of time on here. Hope you have a good day.

Becca Hicks

February 10 2006
=] yay! mrs. jeana's got a phusebox!! hehe... hope to hear from you often! talk to you later. mucho love, [becca]

Marybeth Jensen

February 10 2006
We love Mrs. Jeana!

Linda Turner

February 10 2006
Hey Mrs. Jeana!!!

Jeana Lewis

February 11 2006
Hello everybody! I feel so loved!!! Yeah for snow!!! There will be a hundred kids trying to make a snowman in the slushy inch of patchy snow today. You know what that means? All the dead grass will stick in the snowballs and every snowman will look like he needs to shave! Ha! Have a happy Saturday!