Why my Dad is WAY cooler than yours.

September 28 2005

It's true. My dad is cooler than yours.

I wasted time ALLLLLL 6 weeks long and now I'm trailing along at the end with two F's that I am desperately trying to at least convert to C's even though my teachers should totally give me F's because that's what I deserve.

What's my Dad's take on all this?

"You look sleepy. Why don't you take a nap before you start your homework. Are you hungry? What do you want? Okay, I'll go get that for you. Oh yeah, I got you a pint of your favorite ice cream, it's in the freezer..."

And it goes on.

Lordy, there are days when I appreciate being an only-daughter. Heck, except for when my brother begs money to pay off a utility bill or fill up his girlfriend's gas tank or buy food every few months or so, I'm almost like an only child.



Alright. Sleepy-time over. Physics time now.



Abby Dee

September 28 2005
you dad is TOTALLY cooler than mine. shoo.. i could've tell you that. (love)