*is sad*

September 04 2005
Read back a bunch of posts from after the game on friday.

Not all OHS kids are mean or immature, thank you.


I even threatened some of my best friends over the Siegel kids.

I even went to Steak 'n' Shake after the game with 10 or so Siegel kids.

So maybe if you could just tack a little footnote on the end of your "stupid oakland kids" post that says "but Sarah V. is okay" I'd feel better.


Jessica Byrd

September 04 2005
we were on the siegel side and my boyfriend is sean. he's tall, glasses, blond/brown hair.

Stephanie Levine

September 04 2005
I love you.


September 04 2005
I hate school-trashing. and I loooooooooooove you =)

Courtney Caldwell

September 04 2005
Yay, for intellegent Oakland people! Boo on school rivalry!