I love Toothpaste for Dinner. + ARRRRRRRRRRGH!

July 23 2005

It always has something that reminds me of my friends.

Or myself, in this case. :p

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Seriously, I laughed for about a minute straight.



I am the worst friend. EVER.

Stephen's party... has been going on for at least an hour and a half... I totally forgot about it. DAMMIT.

I can't go now. My dad wants to turn our living room around. DAMNDAMNDAMNDAMN [etc., etc.]


Jordan Taylor

July 23 2005
arg i totally forgot about it today...hmm ill call you

Alice Eatherton

July 23 2005
I miss my SARAH-POO!!!

Abby Dee

July 23 2005
toothpaste for dinner is AWESOME!! drew is my hero