the clock is winding down

January 09 2007

Prepare for a completely useless commentary on whatever comes to my mind, the main purpose of which is to give me a way to avoid doing any real work in photography.

First on the menu, winter break.  Mine's been over for about a week, but my college friends are still out.  (Eff you guys, by the by.)  I'm still mopey though, because their break isn't going to last much longer and then it'll be a few months until they really have time to spare again.

Worse yet, I'm kind of stranded.  My car that I was so excited to have back?  Died after I'd been independently mobile for only two and a half days.  My dad's been giving me rides everywhere since Saturday afternoon.  Except my dad works all the time, so I can't just pop downstairs and ask him if he can run me out to the bookstore or Starbucks or something.  Basically, for the next god-knows-how-long stretch of time, I can get to school and back, to work and back, and that's it.

Grand, eh?

So now I"m sitting in photography listening to Gnarls Barkley and thinking about college applications.  I'm not looking forward to sharing a tiny space with a stranger next year.  I like to have lots of personal time.  I haven't had to share a room since I was six or seven years old.  This does not excite me.  But, alas.  So is life.

Speaking of photography, I think it's time for me to come up with a different system for choosing photographers to study every six weeks.  What do I do, you ask?  Well, I look at the list, pick a name I like, and head off to Google.  What has this gotten me thus far?

Imogen Cunningham.  Pretty cool stuff.  She does AMAZING portraits.  But she also has a bad habit of doing nudes of pasty wrinkly white people.  Overall, not a bad project.  It wasn't hard to find school appropriate material that was good.

The next name that I thought was interesting?

Robert Mapplethorpe.  Hah.  If you've ever seen any of his work before, I'm sure you either just started laughing or made a sour face.  If you asked me to summarize the themes of his work in just a phrase it would probably be "Whoo! GAY PORN!"

In my dad's words:
"Mapplethorpe?  Ooooooh, you're gonna get suspeeeendeeeeed...."

Something that I can say for Mapplethorpe that can't be said for Cunningham, though, is that at least Mapplethorpe takes pictures of hott people.  I mean, damn.  Some of these men are fiiiiiiine.  Finding good pictures hasnt' been the problem.  The problem is finding ones that are even close to school appropriate.  I think I've managed to find enough that are only mostly nude or covering the jiggly bits that most people find offensive to their delicate sensibilities.

Anywho.  What next?  Hmmmm...

I need to write something.  You know, besides posts online.  It's been a long time since I really put any effort into a paper and I haven't written creatively in god knows how long.  I really need to stretch the writing muscles in my brain.  I've always taken joy in writing and I'm proud of my abilities, but over the past year or so I've been scoring progressively lower on writing assignments.  I need to whip myself back into shape and practice more.

I would ask for ideas to write about, but I know that no matter what anyone suggested, I would never get around to writing it.

So I guess I've reached a stalemate with myself?


Well, I do believe I've wasted quite enough time.  The bell is going to ring any minute now.  I must go home and get ready for work... Damn Cookie Store.  I finally posted a big ol' note on the schedule board that says "Please Note: Sarah does not work Tuesdays!"

Rrrrr.  Oh well.

Ciao, y'all.

the brian king kenobi

January 09 2007
you are not allowed to say "ciao, y'all." it's my phrase.