July 14 2005
To whatever higher power out there that is responsible for this... THANK YOU.

No seriously, it made my day. My week, even.

Hah... unfortunately there is still a chance for it to be severely unmade.

Lets hope it goes well.


**wink wink wink**

Yeah, Cassie - I'm serious.



Algebra is Satan. Well, today it is anyways.

He has to go tutor a friend who's not doing well in algebra. So none of that lovely stuff *points up*. But I did something totally awesome.

In the middle of our last phone conversation, he said, "I'll see you later."

And I said, "No. Don't tell me that you'll 'see me later' when I don't even know when you're NOT working. When are you next NOT working?"

I mean, I got all firm and forceful and everything. I was like... You are not making plans with me and then not rescheduling them, BITCH.

Haha... still need to name that street after him.

Anyways - looks like we've got one more for Fazoli's next Tuesday. ^_^

I win.
Even though algebra says I lose.
I made myself win anyways.

Abby Dee

July 14 2005
:a little confused:

Abby Dee

July 14 2005
ahhh!! HURRAH FOR SARAH!!!!!

the brian king kenobi

July 14 2005
*kicks under table and runs*

the brian king kenobi

July 14 2005

Stephanie Levine

July 14 2005
you know what....i love you.

Stephanie Levine

July 14 2005
Make that dumb "x" go away!

Stephanie Levine

July 14 2005
where the picture is suppose to be

Super Ste

July 14 2005
wtf is that comment you left abby?!

Elisabeth Barber

July 16 2005
hey. i dont know if you remember me from CMS? I am elisabeth barber, matthew's sister? i hope your doing excellent!