Hey... I

June 05 2005
At my mom's wedding yesterday I was about ready to kill myself... it had started an hour and a half late and I was overheated and still stuck in that dress and not feeling well.

I pushed play on the cd player and cranked it up (apparently my 5 disc changer is too hi-tech for the horde of computer programmers who attended the wedding).

Then I got this urge to go stand in the driveway and stare longingly down it, as if it would make my friends rescue me faster or something. So I start walking over there.

"Sarah, turn it up more!"

Why? It's loud enough, bitches. But I didn't say that. Because it was my mom's wedding. And I'm not completely hearltless.

So I trudge back to the CD player and give the volume another crank. I had to wear flip flops under my dress because the ground was too soft for my heels - prolly would have broken an ankle.

I'm fuming. I want to burst into tears. I want to go away. I want to hit one of the computer geniuses with a brick and say "SEE THE PLAY BUTTON? GUESS WHAT IT DOES. SEE THE VOLUME KNOB? GUESS WHAT IT DOES! NOW LET ME GO STAND IN THE DRIVEWAY UNTIL MY LEGS GIVE OUT BENEATH ME!!!!"

I turn around.

Jane and Michael are standing right there in my driveway.

I'm saved.

Becky A.

June 05 2005
Great story! I put a pic up of you and me on my phusebox. It's a really cute pic in my opinion.

Becky A.

June 05 2005
lol, I love all your comments on my pictures. The one that looks demonic is my ex-boyfriend lol. I'm a terrible person.

Cari Jennings

June 05 2005
yeah...you know me. blonde curly hair?

Jordan Taylor

June 06 2005