orange juice, orange juice, orangey orangey orange juice

September 07 2006

Vitamin Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Feels good a-runnin' through my veins.  Make me feel not so weak and tired and congested and blah.

So.  Today was supposed to be the day from hell.  In fact, it kind of was.

Long, boring day at school.  Long, boring staff meeting.  Calculus quiz, on which I made a 5 out of 7 - or a 71.  (I won't punish you with the details.)  Upon my early arrival at the mall, an event transpired that made two of my favorite people in the whole wide world very miserable.

I was looking forward to a very unpleasant four hours at work, wishing I were at home doing homework... but to my surprise... It was fun.

It took my mind off of school.  It wasn't that busy, so I didn't have to deal with many people.  Plus, I found out that Mitch will laugh at pretty much anything.

So really, going to work today was like going to payed playtime.  It was fun.

Now I'm at home, showered, and ready to write that paper before I turn in for the night.

Friiiiiiiiiday... Only a few minutes away.  ^_^

Also if you missed it in the photobox - Here is Kelsey Shearron looking mightily like a fish:  (I hate you more.  : p)

the brian king kenobi

September 08 2006
ha, thats great


September 08 2006
are you taking some drugs w/o sharing with me?!?!?!

kelsey shearron

September 08 2006
i hate you.. i mean. dang. you wanna play dirty dontcha? grrrrrr. . . i think im the one on drugs up there..nemanja is crazy. and you my friend are a ho.