list time

September 06 2006

Things that make me happy:

1.  Watching Spiderman with Rachel and Will
2.  Ninja Turtles fruit snacks
3.  Vitamin C

Things that make me not-so-happy:

1.  The paper I have to write on how Spiderman and "The Metamorphosis" are alike.
2.  The idea of how expensive the next year is going to be... and the fact that I'm no good with money.
3.  Allergies that are possibly turning into a cold...?


September 06 2006
my bee efffff as in boyfrieeend <3


September 06 2006


September 07 2006
dude pretyy sure this year is crazy expensive. ive spent $700 on books. makes me want to cry.

the brian king kenobi

September 07 2006
i should have at least made one of those lists.


September 07 2006
his name is Will Gambill and he's a senior and he used to go to Riverdale but he transferrrrrrrred =]<br>and he's not a stalker. <br>=]