Good question.

August 12 2006

Quote of the day:

"I wonder how many Amish people kill themselves a year?"  --Sara Read.  (Or is it Reid?  I don't know.)

Also, good news!

My best friend became employed today!

Also, bad news.

A girl got fired from the Cookie Store yesterday for stealing stuff and giving out freebies to friends.

So no more goodies for yous guys, unless you cough up the cash.

Because even though it's not the best place on earth, I don't really want to loose my job.

Michael Thoe

August 13 2006
Soooo...this BEST friend thing.... Have I been replaced by Megan? What about all those nights? Do they mean nothing to you? This blood that I have shed for your coke was nothing?! Tis a cruel, cruel world...


August 13 2006
I am so happy we get to work together again! Whoot. It will be fun! I start in a week even though she says it is bad to start on a Saturday. Opps... And I will also not be giving food to people.


August 13 2006
Wow. One of my friends at my job got fired because he was trying to steal Gatorade.