You know the world is engineered against you when...

August 06 2006

...You're sitting at a table with two Catholics and one of your chicken tenders looks like a deep fried fetus.


Nah.  Today wasn't that bad. 

(The deep fried fetus thing is true, though.  In fact, due to unclear speaking and bad hearing, it turned into a joke about "I don't want any nuts on my deep fried penis.")

*more crickets*

Latin kids.  Gotta love 'em.

Actually, today was pretty good.  Even if it didn't get interesting until 7-ish PM.  Got my car back.  YAY!  Played KH2 for a long time.  (I'm playing it again on the expert level.)  Hung with the Latin kids at Logans.  Chilled with Mady watching Sky High and the Batman cartoon series.

For the record... Steven Strait... the kid who plays the I-can-make-fire-with-my-hands-and-speak-Chinese-so-I-bus-tables-at-a-Chinese-resteraunt boy?

Sexy beast.

Thank you.


August 07 2006
O . . . K . . . I think?