motivated, motivated, downright motivated

August 04 2006

Ahhh... I was right.  Getting back into JROTC was a lot of fun.  The only not fun night was that by the end of Friday night, all the upperclassmen had been wearing their battalion shirts three days in a row and there was some serious stank going on in the gym hallway...

My JROTC kids crack me up.  Take the photo above, for example.  "JROTC Wireless.  Bringing you more cadets in more places."  I learned how to march wheels this week!  It was exciting. They're a huge workout too, because you have to lift your legs really high and stomp really hard to stay in step.

Being the S-1 this year is going to be a hell of a lot of work, but I think it's gonna be fun.  (Yay!)

Jessica Byrd

August 04 2006
colorguard is the friggin best