
July 09 2005
Check it! I've got a new username!

And it's not what you thought it was going to be! I decided against "butch_lebeau" at the last minute. I was like, "That's lame. I need to be more creative. I know! I'll just use my last name!"

Hmm... I could have used the full last name, I guess... but that would have been 19 characters. Well, that would still be shorter than the 26 character name I had before...

But I settled for 10 characters.


Jane Woodard

July 09 2005
yea, so you can't steal her from me. OR love her more than me. :-p

Jessica Byrd

July 09 2005

Mark Eatherton

July 09 2005
Or LOVE her more than ME, Neither of ya! ^^

Abby Dee

July 10 2005
you have the coolest last name... mine's lame-o (lub you)

Becky A.

July 10 2005
I like the new name. It's something totally Un-Sarah! hehe

Alice Eatherton

July 11 2005