Hooray for the Thoes

July 08 2005
They put me up last night.

Never fear.

I behaved. As did everyone else. Everyone else, of course, being Michael.

There was plenty of joking along the lines of "Well once everyone ELSE goes to sleep..."

Hah, but no.

The most we did was watch Johnny English in Heather's room after everyone else was already asleep. I mean it, we watched the movie. And just in case his parents (whose room is like, 3 inches away from Heather's) got up in the middle of the night, we kept the light on and the door wide open.

So get yer brains outta the gutter, you pervs.


Ewwwwwww. I don't think so.

Anywho... I said I was going to the hospital an hour or so ago. Guess I should do that, huh?

Jessica Byrd

July 08 2005
I don't like that song either but I needed a title.

the brian king kenobi

July 08 2005
i think it's a good idea.