Why fat kids should not get tongue rings: ...a.k.a. Why Sarah should go on a diet:

June 01 2006

I knew that when I got my tongue pierced there were cetain foods I wouldn't be able to eat for about a week.

Really hot (spicy) foods, salty foods, really crunchy or hard to chew with a swollen tongue foods.

Right now, if I want my tongue to not hurt, my diet consists of soup, broth, or ice cream.  I was able to manage a slice of cheese pizza (even though I probalby shouldn't have since pizza sauce has so many spices in it) and a slice of birthday cake.  But my tongue hurt a lot afterwards.  It proably didn't help that I talked a lot yesterday too.

Anyways.  The food thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I've never really been successful at restricting myself dietaritly in the past, but I don't think I ever realized how much of a crutch food is for me.  When you have a long history of hating your body, and you've gained somewhere along the lines of thirty or forty pounds in the past year and a half, it's rather disconcerting to realize just how bad the problem is.

Jokes about the tongue ring being a clever weight loss device are funny, I guess.  But it kind of stings when you realize that there actually is a problem.


June 01 2006
Go to YouTube.com and look up Sailormoon Episodes. Then go until you see japanese people. It should have a title like PGSM or something. It's really interesting, though subtitled.

Sara Shaban

June 02 2006
tongue rings have always facinated me really...and ive found that I would really like to hang out with you.