and the brave sir brian saved his sister from the evil monster of eight-leggy death

May 28 2006

I love my brother.

|------------------------------------|  <--this much

I hardly ever see him anymore since we both moved out of our mom's house around the same time.  He turned 18 and moved in with his fiance; I was going crazy so I moved in with my dad.  Since then we're just hardly together anymore.

Luckily, a few months ago we got into the habit of me, my dad, my brother, and my [future] sister-in-law eating dinner together every Sunday.

Well, today my dad and I went to go pick up Brian and Koren [brother and brother's fiance] because their car is totaled.  Also, they are in the middle of moving and shuffling in some of my late grandfather's library - so the attic is opened up and there are boxes and bookcases and shelves everywhere: providing evil monsters plenty of places to lurk.

When we get out to the car, I sit down in the passenger seat, look down, and see a monster.

This has got to be the biggest house spider in the history of the universe.  I don't really know what kind it was because as soon as I realized there was a big ugly brown eight-legged thing about the size of my palm crawling up my leg I SPAZZED.

Me = hella bad arachnaphobe.

I still say that it was trying to eat me.

I managed the kick the spider off of my leg and into the floor of the car.

My valiant brother, springing into action to protect his little sister, grabbed the nearest napkin / kleenex like object and squooshed the evil monster in twain before it had the chance to attack again.

Where there was much courage and valor on my brother's part, there was much crying and hyperventilating on mine.

Brian said that if he'd seen a spider that big crawling up his leg, he probably would have freaked out as bad, if not worse, than I had.

Brian Phillip Mogensen-Vermillion is the person of the day.  Because he is my hero.

(My dad is the vice-person of the day, for he hugged me when I was freakin' out and then removed the squooshed spider carcass from the car.)


May 29 2006
i loooove sarah!

kelsey shearron

May 29 2006
hahaha..that sounds like an intense car ride!...good thing youve got a brother.. i dont have a brother.. hm... this could be a problem...wait...i have a sister...but i doubt shed be any help shed scream louder than me...ha you! you need to gimme yo digits cuz i may be havin a get-tagetha and you need to be there!