(post) nerd fest oh-six

April 22 2006

Whoa-dang.... I love Latin conventions.

Seriously.  You don't even understand.

We placed in ONE event.  Sean got third place in reading comprehension or something.  Yeah, pretty sure that we had no freaking idea what the passage was about, but we all placed in the top 10.  Apparently everyone else was more confused than we were.

And we didn't even pass the qualifying round of certamen.  They give all the schools that want to compete a prelimnary test and then seed the top nine teams against each other so that the very best teams don't have to play each other in the first round.  We didn't even make the top nine.  How sad are we?

Overall, though.  My weekend was... I mean has been so far... convention screws with your sense of time.  It's hard to believe it's only Saturday evening.  Anyways.  My weekend so far has been pretty darn amazing.  I love my Latin kids.  Everything on my list of predictions happened, and then some. 

Like the stripper lessons.  Those were new.  But hey, at least I learned something, right?  ;)  And we invented a new form of silent "applause" for schools that we don't like.  For example, turning MUS's little U hand symbol into F-U.  Heh heh.

Next year... going to be even more amazing.  William and I have decided that we are going to drug the freshmen, steal $50 from their wallets, load them on the bus, and drag them to Memphis.  (Next year's con is at Rhodes Univ.)  They don't have a choice.

We will have something prepared for roll call.  We will have something prepared for the spirit competition.  We will have a banner.  We will have correct t-shirts.  We will place in more than one test (maybe).  And we will at least make ninth seed in certamen.

We are determined!  RAR!

I gotta go see Wiz-O-Oz in  about an hour.  Latah, homedizzles.

Lauren H

April 22 2006
YAY LATIN! they didnt have to drug the freshmen at siegel....or at least not that i can remember...