Some Important Things To Remember

June 28 2005

"Can you imagine me hitting her with a breadstick? Wouldn't that be funny?"


"Her eyes would explode!"

NUMBER 3, definately the MOST important:

"He's the Sithiest Sith that ever Sithed!"

Thank you for your time and a attention, ladies and jellyspoons. Have an is love for all your hard work.

      summer vacation is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

Abby Dee

June 28 2005
Kalvin(sp?) is in my driver's ed class!! we made fun of the educational video together today. it was fun times. =]

Abby Dee

June 28 2005
Calvin(there we go) already had himself a buddy. i snagged my good ole friend, jesse Davis as my victim.. i mean partner. ahem.. but yes... driver's ed was boring mostly.... but totally ee-zee. i don't know what i was so scared of..

Abby Dee

June 28 2005
oh and have no worries.. Jesse is deffinately a cool kid ^_^

Jessica Byrd

June 28 2005
Actually I got the lyrics from a site and posted them and totally didnt pay attention. Hehe


June 30 2005
i lvoe you SARAH!!!!!you are the bomb!!!