This will never get old.

January 20 2006

I love posting from school.

I'll give you a challenge.  Guess who currently is making a one hundred in pre-calculus.  You have five seconds.






OMGME! Yes, it sounds impossible, but apparently it is not.  I have gone from making straight D's the first semester to making a perfect grade!  Now, there's still four more weeks or so in the grading period, so nothing's set in stone.  But all the same.  I HAVE A FREAKIN' HUNDRED!!!

Now... if I could just raise me those Physics and Latin grades.

Goodness gracious me, this has got to be the longest and boring-est study hall ever. Ah well. Only 2.5 periods left, then freeeeeeedommmmm!

Movie tonight with Jen I., Sean, and somebody else.  Should be reasonably fun.

Welp, the sophomore punks are back from PT.  Ciao!


January 20 2006
ups so can i call you when i have trouble with math?


January 20 2006
GRR! Why is everybody doing something tonight? I have absolutely nothing to do!


January 20 2006
Grace would have also been a correct answer. *score*