time flies

December 02 2005

Holy crap.  It's Friday again.  Where did my week go?

I slept in again today.  >_<  Whoo.  Good job, me.  I had myself another panic attack / nervous breakdown / depression spasm thing.  I called my mom and she told me to take the day off and come to her house.  So here I am!  Updating from mom's.

I was terrified that I would get in trouble with my Dad.  But when he called he just said he was sorry that I was having a rotten day and he hoped I feel better soon.

Totally not what I was expecting.  Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Well, enjoy your weekend while it's still here.  Before you know it, It'll be Monday again.


December 02 2005
i less than three sarah.

Donald Allen

December 04 2005
hey, my band's got more music, you should check it out at www.myspace.com/pillowtalk1 thanks.....