
October 10 2006

i havent written on here in a while.

school stinks, but i'm haning in there. grabbing the bull by the horns you might say. oh man, i just remembered how i have advising tomorow. i should check that out. haha, for real, i just rememebred. wish me luck.

so check this out. our team needs new boats badly right. well, i sent out a few emails to some different companies asking for help. well, i got a phone call from a company called vespoli, a premier boat manufactuar. get this, the southeast rep. and the president of the company are coming to knoxville to meet with me and the president of the team and check out what we're about. it's pretty freakin awesome

my friend that i was asking ya'll to pray for, if ya'll could keep praying for them. that'd be great.

hope everything is going great with ya'll


Ashley Orman

October 10 2006
thats sooo awesome patrick! i hope it all works out! i feel the exact same way about school, just cant get motivated to do it anymore...

eddie sally

October 10 2006
dude thats terrific. hope everything goes awesome with that.