
February 12 2006

i was abducted by aliens. how do i know. i have a giant bald spot on the back of my calve muscle. on both legs. so i guess they shaved them and took a sample of the muscle from my legs. pretty crazy huh.

if it's not that, i probably have male pattern baldness. thats right, male pattern baldness on the back of my legs. i dont think it's possible, but who knows.

so, lets look back at this week. monday was ok, till the afternoon and then i got sad about who knows what. tuesday was ok. wensday not too awfully bad but i missed practice. thursday not too bad. friday was crazy. david moved out and went home, which i never saw coming. apparently he got sick. and then, it happened. i never thought it would. at least not any time soon. i got a ticket. the cop actually pulled me over. oh well. saturday was good for the most part, didnt do much. and today is cool. it snowed alot this week. how cool is that.

rambo is coming on tonight


February 12 2006
haha that is a lil wierd....what!? david moved out!? like for good or just til he gets better?? ahh and i'm sorry about the ticket. that's a bummer...how fast were you going?


February 12 2006
Hahaha -- here's a funny story about tickets. So my sister calls this guy for a ride and she's about to ask him when he starts going, "I know, I'm so sorry, baby, I know, I know, I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? Just give me a minute okay honey? I'm 10 minutes from there, I know, I'm so sorry, really I am, I am.." and my sister is like "WTF?" and then he hangs up after some soppy "I'll be there in a moment" thing and my sister is like "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM." and about 20 minutes later he calls her back and goes "Thanks, now what did you want?" It turned out he was about to get a ticket from the cop when she called and he was making up this story that his girlfriend was sick and the cop was like "You're a liar" and then she called so he played it up that it was his girlfriend, so the cop let him off with a warning... xP


February 12 2006
urm??? hey? ::+::Chelsey::+::


February 12 2006
oh... i was soooo lost... but yeah.. ::+::Chelsey::+::

Chris Slate,

February 13 2006
now THAT has to suck.... the day before prom... dannnngggg...