down in the dumps..

September 11 2005
I'm not quite sure how to feel at the moment
I fell for someone really fast.
& I didnt know how to deal with that
but I know that those were some of the best days
I have ever spent with a guy
& the best times that I spent talking to someone
who actually cares for me, truely.
then all those doubts itch in your mind
& you are confused.
that's where I am now.
I'm confused
not sure how to handle my feelings
my thoughts, my everything
I'm just trying to hold on to God
trying to listen & see what He wants me to do
because lately I feel like I have been wasting my time
just I havent been doing what God wants me to do.
I am trying to sort out my thoughts
so I can fully know what I want
& to see if I can give the love back.
I almost cried today.
but I didnt..


September 11 2005
hey..well uhh i dont exactly know u..but i saw u at the game..riverdale verses lincoln county..u were talkin to kyle and jack ..

Anthony Myers

September 11 2005
You'll feel better soon.

ennazus bmal

September 13 2005