God gives me my happiness.

August 08 2005
last night was probably the most wonderful night
I have had in a longlonglong time. :]
I am just so happy now.
like the happy where you want to dance
& do flips all day ahaha. < 3

also God showed me something last night.
I know He answers prayers
but last night he answered one that
I had been praying about for maybe a year.
that's just wanted added to my happiness last night.
I mean God is amazing.
no doubt about that at all.

watch "nuisance" by john reuben.
it's awesome becaaaause
matt thiessen is in it :D
yes, the guy from relient k ahaha.

this week is going to be great.
I can just feel it.

music video & stuff. < 3


August 08 2005
i think i saw you at target and i am positive it was you, because i saw your sister, sitting by herself, so i knew you had to be in the store