Russell Rodden


Relationship Status

In A Relationship


Oakland High School


Lee University

Favorite Books

Every Man

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Best Weekend Ever

September 24 2005
Well guys. I just had an amazing weekend. I went and surprised Steph there at Samford and we had an amazing time. We didn't necessarily have a huge plan for the weekend. We just hung out (sometimes that makes for the best date; just sitting and talking and looking each other in the eye). We did go to this awesome restaurant called Davenport's and ate some good pizza. The next day my car battery was dead (I had to sleep there cuz guys aren't allowed in the girl's dorms-go figure- so I had my fan on in there for too long). Steph pulled through though and pulled her car up next to mine, we used my jumper cables, and started the car. I felt so manly just cuz I've never used jumper cables before. Anyway, I didn't wanna leave but now that I'm back, Adam and Thorne (guys from my dorm)and I are gonna watch Night At the Roxbury. It rocks. Well, let me know what you think or just leave me a comment. Peace.


September 24 2005
Hey! I just started this & I have no idea what to do but we should be "friends"...however that works