one of my favorite quotes

April 14 2006

["I know all those sitters-and-talkers are going to worry their guts into fiddle strings until they find out what we've been talking about. That's all right, Phoeby, tell them . . . because my love doesn't work like their love, if they ever had any.

"Then you must tell them that love isn't something like a grindstone that's the same thing everywhere and does the same thing to everything it touches.

"Love is like the sea. It's a moving thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from the shore it meets, and it's different with every shore."]

-Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

(It's in brackets because I translated it out of dialect.)

Beth Farrar

April 14 2006
u know i actually really liked that book. did u get to see the movie?

Rachel Chase

April 14 2006
thatz really cool ^^

Ben Wicks

April 14 2006
My favorite quote: "Charity to all, malice towards none." --Abraham Lincoln.

Carrie McComas

April 15 2006
Argh! I remember having to read that book in high school and severely disliking it. We kept saying that she shouldn't let all those guys walk all over her....and I don't have a favorite quote, but one of my favorites is "Don't go to bed angry...stay up and fight!"

beth cooper

April 15 2006
i like the quote about love and the sea. its just so true