The Dead Bus and Mexico Memories

March 21 2006

We all have a place we would like to return to; a place from another time in our lives.

There was a tree with a tire swing and rotting 2x4 boards nailed into it for steps. A rag-tag combination of other pieces of wood helped to form a path up from the ground into the winding limbs and from there out onto the sloping roof of an old bus that had  definitely seen better days. A wooden ramp down the other side of the bus provided an easy way off.

From the top of the bus it was possible to see for what seemed like forever across flat Texas plains. Fields sprawled all around, and cars drove down the narrow road nearby. Every once in a while a plane would take off or land at the airport there in Harlingen, Texas, and the lights could be seen against the darkening sky.

The sky was alight with shades and hues of purple, pink, and orange as the sun set and the stars began to sneak out; stars unadultered by the lights of civilization.

And we would sit and talk underneath them.

So here we are, once again, climb up and we can sit and talk about where we've been and where we'll go, memories made and memories being made.

Welcome to the Dead Bus.

kelsey shearron

March 21 2006
aw... i cant wait to go.. (and huh...i believe i remember you saying that you were gunna make my children..haaaha.)

Sarah Vermillion

March 21 2006
Sounds like something out of a Ray Bradbury book.

Anna Miller

March 21 2006
briiiiiiiian king!

Ashley who?

March 22 2006
lol. :DDD

Carol Nixon

March 22 2006
there was a guy...i had grown up with...i loved him....never really knew if he loved me....but it was 2 in the mornin across the street in a friend of ours yard. we were swinging in one of those lawn swing things and he stands up and asks me to dance. so we did and he sang the a whole new world song from aladin. it was magical....i wish i could go back to that moment and never let go. but i havnt talked to him in a year and a half....

Carol Nixon

March 22 2006
your welcome


March 22 2006
i remember that.


March 22 2006
i miss the brian too....


March 22 2006


March 22 2006
:o) i remember that too! :o) ahh tear! i wish i was gonna be atop the old dead bus w/ you again! y'all will be in my prayers! God's gonna rock Mexico through the Belle Aire Youth once again :o)

Lin-Z HackneY

March 23 2006