orange juice . . .

June 23 2006
Originally Taken: June 16, 2006
Camera: SAMSUNG D250 DigitalCAM

Sarah Vermillion

June 23 2006
Aaaaagh. That <i>shirt</i>!<br><br>Uh oh. So what exactly is in those glasses, hmm?

kelsey shearron

June 23 2006
uhm...young man you gots some explaining to do.

Beth Farrar

June 26 2006
u and nemanja look like ur twins or somethin lol.

Anna Miller

June 27 2006
hehe it's legal, it's all good :) i love you and miss you brian!!!


July 02 2006
um.. that shirt that nemanja is wearing.. is hideous. lol

Rebekah Minor

July 03 2006 juice?? any vodka in that?? cause i've had that drink and it definetely was not very good...i dont think you look like twins...and i agree w/ everyone else...what the &$@% was foreign kid wearing?