Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


Sad Day

November 11 2006
when i got home from work last night, nathan noticed puinea gig was acting differnt. so we brought her back downstairs and she looked pretty sick. and over the course of the next few hours she started getting worse. she was not moving, and not eating and let me tell you this guinea pig loves to eat! we went to the store to get some medicine, i read could help their stomachs (her tummy was upset) and we gave her that and some water by the dropper too. and it wasn't looking good. and when sophia got sick last month, my mom came over with an iv to help get her hydtrated. so, nathan being brave, gave puinea gig fluids. she seemed to perk up a little... but started getting worse again. we were up until about 1:30 last night, and finally went to bed.

puinea gig was a good guinea pig. all of her "wree wrees" will be missed. she was the best guinea pig.

God is faithful

November 10 2006

so i was thinking a lot this morning when i was getting ready. i was thinking about God's faithfulness.

have you ever noticed that most the time when God promises you something or calls you somewhere, there is that point in that journey where you are all alone? just you and God's promise or calling?

before nathan and i started dating God kept promising me things and kept telling me to wait. and in this process i got to a point where nobody believed in it any more. i was all alone, just me and God's promise. and obviously, He was faithful. and back my senior year, God told me to walk away from a friendship because He said He had bigger plans for me. and once again, i was alone, just His calling and me. and once agian He was faithful.

i think faith is an interesting thing. sometimes that is all you have. just that faith-- the hope in something that has yet to happen. and trusting in something bigger than yourself. and that doesn't mean it is easy, because it isn't. it is hard when you are alone in something you believe in with all your heart... but that is all part of the journey and learning to rely on God alone.

God is faithful. even when we are faithless.

i am not really sure why this thought came to mind this morning, but i feel somewhere in my heart i need to know this again.

God is faithful.

fun fun

November 03 2006

we went to the park.
it was cold.
it was fun.

smallest halloween party ever

October 31 2006
so this year i was determinded to have a halloween party. mainly because i wanted to dress up. so i had this whole thing planned... and a lot of it fell through... such as people being out of town and what not. so, still determined, i decided to have one with two guests. call me a loser, but i wanted to have one. and it was fun! so a photo recap:

we had decorations...

puinea gig even joined in... she was a ghost as you can tell

we had fun halloween food and treats

nathan was a ninja

and i was a flapper

our guests, scary licking scream guy (michael) and cinderella (amber)

one so pretty and one so weird

nathan and i strike a pose...

and sophia joined in too... she was a dinosaur. she was very unhappy with us and her costume.... she hid from us until we took off the costume. and then she tried to attack the dvd player. so funny.

so it was a lot of fun. i am glad that i was able to dress up and such. i wish that i could still go trick-or-treating. that would have been great!

but yeah... in other rachael news... i quit my job. and am currently looking for a new one. no more childcare for me. i need something new. preferably something creative, such as photography. if you know of anything please let me know. (and to those of you that know my job history in the last few months please understand that i am not just jumping from job to job because i think it is fun. i want to do something i love and am passionate about. and i think life is way too short to be miserable. so i am looking foward to bigger and better things. i am not being irresponsible, nor am i being indescisive. i just have big dreams for myself and choose not to settle for anything less)

but yeah... how is everyone else? i hope that life is wonderful for everyone! i hope you guys had a great halloween and hope you have a great night!

carving pumpkins

October 27 2006
so nathan and i carved our pumpkins tonight.... so as always, a photo recap:

i had to clean out both pumpkins...

while waiting, nathan decorated his little pumpkin

nasty stuff in the pumpkin

sophia had no clue what was going on...

we finally started carving....

and this is my penguin pumpkin

and nathan's strongbad pumpkin!

don't they look great?!

it was a lot of fun! i have not carved a pumpkin in forever! i am really looking foward to the holidays this year... i am having a lot of fun decorating and spending it with nathan!

today we have been married for 5 months and it has been great!

so, i hope everyone else is having fun! have a great night!


October 22 2006
can you believe this happened a year ago today?!

so crazy how time just flies by.

nathan is great! this past year had been amazing! ahhh i love it all!

silly tv shows

October 18 2006

so over the past few months nathan and i have been watching the previous seasons of 24. we are currently on the 5th season, which nathan has already seen. over the time i have watched it i developed my favorites, david palmer, chloe, tony, and of course jack. if you don't watch this show i know you don't know who i am talking about... you you should watch it. seriously. anyway, last night we were watching an episode... and it was terribly sad. tony died. i am not going to lie... i cried. a lot. i felt so ridiculous, but he was my favorite character. i still feel so silly... just like i did last week on grey's anatomy when mcdreamy walked away....

ah tv... how silly am i?

anyway... last year sometime i posted about some things i would like to do before i die... and recently i have been thinking about some more things to add. i was able to do some of the things on my list such as, get married and go out west and see the pacific! fun fun!

so here are some more:
-live in nyc
-see a bear and moose in the wild (still weird, i know)
-pet a penguin (i actually found a place that allows you do to this!!!!!!!)
-go to italy, london, and paris
-take pictures of things in other countries most people won't get the chance to ever see
-go to the san diego zoo
-swim in the pacific
-get a job i love!
-have something published (book or photograph)
-learn to like new types of food
-drive on the pacific coast highway
-drive on route 66

i am real serious about petting the penguin. if i ever see one in the wild somebody better hold me back because i might just take it. i could keep it... and walk it on a leash. picture it. you know it is cool.

well, i have to get back to work. i hope every one has a great day! 


October 14 2006

i want to be there. right now.
i want to hear city sounds.
walk on the side walks.
ride the subways.
be cold. wear a scarf.
sit in the park.
see the lights.
take it all in.


my heart is still in nyc.

pumpkin patches

October 05 2006
so i took the children i nanny to the pumpkin patch today! it was sooooo much fun! so as always, a picture recap

justin and the giant pumpkin

justin as a pumpkin

judah and a calf

in the corn maze...

and us in the corn maze

yay! i have not been to a pumpkin patch since i was a little kid. i was running around so excited! it was too much fun!

and a quote from our trip:
justin: "whenever i get to high school i will be black."
me: "what?! what are you talking about you will be black? haha"
justin: "a black belt"

fun times

new stuff and an update

October 03 2006

we got some new stuff...

nathan got a new mustang convertible (as in new to us)

i got a dog! her name is Sophia!

us in the car


i love sophia! she is great. we gave her a bath tonight and it was too funny. she's pretty much the best dog ever.

everything is going pretty good here in the moore apartment. we have been married a little over 4 months now and it is still lots of fun and really great. i love nathan so much!

and can i tell you how excited i am about something?! we got some little tiny pumpkins tonight! i cannot wait to decorate them! i get excited over the small things in life.

well i am pretty much exhausted kids. working 10 hours a day kills me. if you know of anything better you should let me know. please.

i hope you have a great night!

here's to another moore wedding!

September 10 2006
once again, i have not updated in a while...

but! bethany and matt got married yesterday! bethany was beautiful as was their wedding! it was a wonderful day! so, as always, a photo recap of the grand event!

me and sarah posing before the wedding

bethany giving elizabeth a mint. yay for best friends!..

..and funny faces..

and the best husband a girl could ever have

cutting the big beautiful cake

no messes

happy birthday to the beautiful sarah moore

off and away

it was really a lot of fun. i am so excited for them! i cannot wait to see where God takes them!

so yeah... if you get a chance tell sarah happy birthday if you have not already and send a congrats to bethany and matt. i hope everyone has a great night!


August 20 2006
my wonderful husband just surprised me with tickets to the goo goo dolls and counting crows concert tomorrow night! i am so excited! don't i have the best husband ever?!!

Proverbs 31

August 02 2006
A wife of noble character who can find?
       She is worth far more than rubies.
 Her husband has full confidence in her
      and lacks nothing of value.

 She brings him good, not harm,
       all the days of her life.
 She selects wool and flax
       and works with eager hands.
She is like the merchant ships,
       bringing her food from afar.
 She gets up while it is still dark;
       she provides food for her family
       and portions for her servant girls.
She considers a field and buys it;
       out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She sets about her work vigorously;
       her arms are strong for her tasks.
She sees that her trading is profitable,
       and her lamp does not go out at night.
 In her hand she holds the distaff
       and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
She opens her arms to the poor
       and extends her hands to the needy.
When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
       for all of them are clothed in scarlet
 She makes coverings for her bed;
       she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
Her husband is respected at the city gate,
       where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
She makes linen garments and sells them,
       and supplies the merchants with sashes.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
       she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
       and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
 She watches over the affairs of her household
       and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
       her husband also, and he praises her
"Many women do noble things,
       but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
       but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
 Give her the reward she has earned,
       and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

So girls, have you ever thought about this passage? I mean really thought about that. Have you ever thought of that as an outline for your role as a woman or as a wife? I know that I have.... and I know that now as a married woman I notice myself thinking back to this passage as I go through me daily routine.

My days are long... I work 50 hours a week... and that is just what I get paid for. My "job" never really ends though... but that all comes with growing up and leaving childhood behind.

Lately I have been thinking to myself how in the world can I live up to that?! And I think about how tired I am when I get home and honestly how I don't want to do anything but lay down and rest. But as life may have it, I cannot do that. And then Satan plays the "You are FAILING" card.

And you know what... I have been taking that card and believing it. I bet I am not the only woman out there that is or has done this. I am sure there are plenty of women that are believing that they are required to be perfect and live up to that standard.

And honestly most of us probably will never do that with as much perfection as that woman so gracefully did. We will sweat, probably complain, maybe even become bitter...

But maybe we won't... maybe we can do it with out too much sweat and gripping and without a hint of bitterness....

and you know where that begins, Ladies? in our hearts.... we have to let our hearts be at rest.

As I was on my hands and knees cleaning our kitchen floor today (true, not for dramatic effect... we don't have a mop) I saw a little piece of paper sticking out from a crack. It was a fortune from a cookie. It said "Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos."

Because of the newly restored attitude the Lord so graciously bestowed upon me tonight, I am standing on the edge of great brilliance. Not because of me, but because of Him.

The Zoo

July 28 2006
today on my nanny adventure we went to the zoo

it was fun

we saw lots of animals

and even managed to find one that would pose for a picture

so all in all it was a great day! i really enjoy being a nanny. i get to do fun things and say it is all for the kid, but secretly it is for me. we both benefit. good deal.

so yeah. i am exhausted though. 50 hours a week is difficult but i will get used to it. i do like it though. and i love the family i work for... they even took us out for dinner tonight. finally i have a job i really like!!! 3 jobs in like what? 3 months. it's about time.

i hope everyone has a good night and good weekend!


July 25 2006

Girl's Weekend

July 24 2006
so this weekend i headed down to southern middle tennessee in the middle-of-no-where with the amish and red necks. me, amber, lauren, megan, and sarah stayed at sarah's uncle's cabin. it was fun.... so here is a photo recap for you...

us with the corn

we made the amish uncomfortable...

i considered the amish life...

and decided it is not the life for me...

after 6 l-o-n-g hours we arrived at the cabin

i took more pictures of stuff like this than the people that were there...

i had a marilyn monroe moment

we waded in the creek with the devil crawdads

had fun walking back

went to a cemetry

and tried to make a fire...
we were unsuccessful for the most part

it was fun. i don't like being out in the middle-of-no-where, but i had fun.

on another note, i got a new job as a nanny! yay! i am really excited about it!

and married life is great!

well, i need to go cook dinner! i hope everyone has a great night!

finally... an update

June 28 2006
wow. it has been a while. but! i am finally updating!

so where should i start? i guess wedding stuff...

the days before were pretty busy and VERY stressful. but i really enjoyed the weddding day. i really enjoyed getting ready with my girls... which consisted of lots of dancing and singing... and funny pictures of many unbridal things. all of which helped relieve all the nervousness. my girls and my step-dad and i did the chicken dance before we walked down the aisle. it was great! the ceremony was beautiful (so i was told... and i loved who i was looking at!) the reception was fun! i was able to dance to my "fun girly dance songs" with amber and sarah... and my cousin's husband even joined in during "its all coming back to me now". it was classic, here's a little photo recap:

i know that we have not uploaded more pictures... and we are sorry about that... but we currently do not have internet access at our apartment, but we will hopefully upload some more soon!

our trip to san fran was awesome! i love it there. very hilly, but it is nice. i got to see sea lions, penguins, the tall redwood trees and other san fran tourist things. we ate at a cheesecake factory on to of macy's in union square and we froze out in cali. it was rather chilly by the bay. nathan bought me a lil stuffed sea lion that makes a sea lion sound. i loved to make it do that at the most random times... the plane ride was long... but it was great! i definitely want to go back again one day.

after all the cloud nine stuff i was forced back down to reality with a real job... yes a full time childcare job. three years olds can be vicious little wolves just waiting to devour you. seriously. horrilbe. if you know of any good full time job openings feel free to let me know...

married life however is great! i love spending time with my husband and being a little wife. i actually enjoy cooking and doing all that stuff. nathan is the best husband! i lovelovelove him!

my birthday was last week... and nathan had a surprise party for me. it was my first surprise party and it was fun! i had a pretty good birthday. and as most of you saw, nathan got me a little guinea pig. she is so cute... except for when she poops on me... and then i retract that statement.

my mom got me this great macbook... i know you can't see it and too bad for you because it is great. i loooooove it!

so that is my update. life has been crazy but very wonderful. i hope that everyone is doing very well! have a great night!

Coming to you from...

June 21 2006
*drum roll please*

(boom boom boom...er or insert other drum noise here)

my new macbook! wooo hooo!

can we say exciting?!


May 13 2006
My cousin got married today! It was a beautiful wedding and she was a beautiful bride. It was good to see everything... it helped me see what needs to get done for mine and it helped remind me what I am waiting for. So yay for that.

Here's some pictures:


My sister, Cindy and I

My sister and I

So yay for that. I am tired. I am going to bed. Goodnight. I hope everyone has a great night!

Time for an update

May 07 2006
So... it has been a while. I have been so busy. I started a new job and I have been planning like crazy! Wedding planning is so stressful... and now there are only 3 weeks remaining and it is really really really stressful! But very soon Nathan and I can finally relax and start our lives together.

So last weekend I had a Bridal Tea thrown by my lil maid of honor herself

the room looked beautiful

and I opened lots of gifts. It was actually exciting opening gifts that were for Nathan and I. Some of OUR first things! yay!

And as most of you know Nathan was in town for a couple weeks which was great! I miss seeing him. And thankfully he will be home again real soon! We had a lot of fun:

we went to the park and threw rocks

we went to the drive-in

we got an apartment

and we had a picnic in the park.

I really enjoyed spending time with him. It was fun! Now it is back to reality. Back to planning. Boo.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!