Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


new stuff and an update

October 03 2006

we got some new stuff...

nathan got a new mustang convertible (as in new to us)

i got a dog! her name is Sophia!

us in the car


i love sophia! she is great. we gave her a bath tonight and it was too funny. she's pretty much the best dog ever.

everything is going pretty good here in the moore apartment. we have been married a little over 4 months now and it is still lots of fun and really great. i love nathan so much!

and can i tell you how excited i am about something?! we got some little tiny pumpkins tonight! i cannot wait to decorate them! i get excited over the small things in life.

well i am pretty much exhausted kids. working 10 hours a day kills me. if you know of anything better you should let me know. please.

i hope you have a great night!

Nathan Moore

October 03 2006
Pumpkins will be fun... the car will be fun... Sophia will be fun... sounds like fun... I love you, sweetie!

elizabeth duncan

October 03 2006
FUN! I'm glad you got a new car. and a new dog. and some new pumpkins. now if you could just get a new job...