Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


God is faithful

November 10 2006

so i was thinking a lot this morning when i was getting ready. i was thinking about God's faithfulness.

have you ever noticed that most the time when God promises you something or calls you somewhere, there is that point in that journey where you are all alone? just you and God's promise or calling?

before nathan and i started dating God kept promising me things and kept telling me to wait. and in this process i got to a point where nobody believed in it any more. i was all alone, just me and God's promise. and obviously, He was faithful. and back my senior year, God told me to walk away from a friendship because He said He had bigger plans for me. and once again, i was alone, just His calling and me. and once agian He was faithful.

i think faith is an interesting thing. sometimes that is all you have. just that faith-- the hope in something that has yet to happen. and trusting in something bigger than yourself. and that doesn't mean it is easy, because it isn't. it is hard when you are alone in something you believe in with all your heart... but that is all part of the journey and learning to rely on God alone.

God is faithful. even when we are faithless.

i am not really sure why this thought came to mind this morning, but i feel somewhere in my heart i need to know this again.

God is faithful.


November 10 2006
when are we gonna get together?

Nathan Moore

November 11 2006
God is definitely faithful. Keep that in the front of your mind... never let it slip. Never doubt...