Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


finally... an update

June 28 2006
wow. it has been a while. but! i am finally updating!

so where should i start? i guess wedding stuff...

the days before were pretty busy and VERY stressful. but i really enjoyed the weddding day. i really enjoyed getting ready with my girls... which consisted of lots of dancing and singing... and funny pictures of many unbridal things. all of which helped relieve all the nervousness. my girls and my step-dad and i did the chicken dance before we walked down the aisle. it was great! the ceremony was beautiful (so i was told... and i loved who i was looking at!) the reception was fun! i was able to dance to my "fun girly dance songs" with amber and sarah... and my cousin's husband even joined in during "its all coming back to me now". it was classic, here's a little photo recap:

i know that we have not uploaded more pictures... and we are sorry about that... but we currently do not have internet access at our apartment, but we will hopefully upload some more soon!

our trip to san fran was awesome! i love it there. very hilly, but it is nice. i got to see sea lions, penguins, the tall redwood trees and other san fran tourist things. we ate at a cheesecake factory on to of macy's in union square and we froze out in cali. it was rather chilly by the bay. nathan bought me a lil stuffed sea lion that makes a sea lion sound. i loved to make it do that at the most random times... the plane ride was long... but it was great! i definitely want to go back again one day.

after all the cloud nine stuff i was forced back down to reality with a real job... yes a full time childcare job. three years olds can be vicious little wolves just waiting to devour you. seriously. horrilbe. if you know of any good full time job openings feel free to let me know...

married life however is great! i love spending time with my husband and being a little wife. i actually enjoy cooking and doing all that stuff. nathan is the best husband! i lovelovelove him!

my birthday was last week... and nathan had a surprise party for me. it was my first surprise party and it was fun! i had a pretty good birthday. and as most of you saw, nathan got me a little guinea pig. she is so cute... except for when she poops on me... and then i retract that statement.

my mom got me this great macbook... i know you can't see it and too bad for you because it is great. i loooooove it!

so that is my update. life has been crazy but very wonderful. i hope that everyone is doing very well! have a great night!

Kirsten Bowles

June 28 2006
Im so happy for you girlie.Congrats on being married.So How did you like San Fransico??


June 29 2006
Awww happinesss... I can't wait until I get married!


June 30 2006
i love hearing you talk about how much you're loving life :o) i love you!


July 01 2006
this is great! married life sounds fantastic.

Matt Beck

July 13 2006
Rachael, you spoke too soon. You didn't wait for the follow up article "Five reasons why social networks succeed". That article is posted on my page now. Anyway, yes everything is going well. We are moving into our new office building once the contractors finish remolding our suite hopefully in September. It has been a very busy summer. Hope married life is treating you well. I will be in Nashville next weekend (July 21-23) for some business. Maybe we can meet up for some coffee. Take care and have a wonderful week!