
April 26 2006

so. i'm just gonna rant and get out some random thoughts here.
i'm not looking for an arguement. these are simply my views. my thoughts. my fears. you know. that sort of thing.

i'm supposed to be studying for a history test but instead the topic of religion rests heavily on my mind.  i went to church tonight. and some of the things they said really made sense. but. church terrifies me. because i know what i've done. some i am not proud of. but. i don't regret it? is that even humanly possible? i don't regret it because to me it is part of growing up. and if given the chance to rewind and do it all over. i wouldn't change anything. i feel as though that makes me a bad person. and the fact that i feel as though i cannot live up to the "Christian" life style just. haunts me.  because. do i call myself a Christian? i believe in God, yes. but. i cuss. occasionally. sometimes more than occasionally. and. a friend was talking about religion and so forth one day at lunch and he asked the question if religious people and "church" people are supposed to be so godly etc. then why are people like cortney, that claim to be godly and whatnot, so mean and hateful.  now. i must admit that i am like that. but. its the persona that everyone has given me and i feel like. i can live up to that. like. they don't set high expectations for me so i don't have much to reach for. at the same time. i feel like there is this whole other person living somewhere deep inside of me that is just screaming to be let go.  and. i guess i just don't see myself as everyone else sees me because i can always find something wrong with me. and. considering my past experience with boys. i just. i have to wonder what is so wrong with me? why am i not dateable? which brings me back full circle to my religion question. if i get things "straight" with God and trust him and what not. then will everything fall into place? and what if it doesn't? i hate being alone. i'm quite terrified of it to be honest. so. what if i become this good person and whatever and i am still alone. i have this fear of just. being alone. i like having someone there and i like knowing that someone thinks highly of me and wants to be with me. but. it seems as though everytime i find someone that thinks this, or feels this way. i either, don't feel the same back, or i do feel the same back and they turn around and screw me over and mess with my head and get me to fall for them and i end up hurt in the long run.  i'm scared of getting close to anyone. which is partly why i have to put on this whole. "act". because i don't want anyone to get close to me. i'm to scared of getting hurt. and i feel like. if i am honest with everyone that just. makes me vunerable. and i can't take that. i'm not emotionally stable enough to be torn down like that again. i am still recovering from my broken heart.  and i'm just. scared i'll never find anyone like him again. i love him. i know i do. i always will. so. how is it fair to anyone else for me to be with them while i am in love with justin? how is this fair to me? that he can control me like this without knowing it and. i don't cross his mind once.  i have also discovered i have a severe problem with. loving myself. because i do not believe that i am good enough. and when i do something. i have to be the best. or else. i feel like a failure. a complete failure. i don't freaking know anymore. oh god. i just. i want someone to explain some of these things to me.

anyways. i'm completely done now.
if you want to respond. go ahead.
but. that's that.

sorry if i sounded arrogant. or anything.
sorry if you disagree.
but. i cannot apologize for how i feel.

thanks for listening.<3


May 15 2006
I would highly reccommend this book to you- it really helped me when things used to feel like the way you have described yourself feeling about boys and being alone and all that. It's called Co-dependency. The book is Co-dependent No More by Melody Beattie (pretty sure that is the author). It will reach out and grab you. On the Christianity thing- no one can "measure up" to that standard. It's impossible because it goes against everything we are. This is what I have found in my experience at least. I was an ardent Christian for so long and then researched other religions and wound up being an atheist. Christianity demands a standard that is opposite of our natural urges and ways of thinking. Yes, there are some good principles, one of the most important being to love others (make sure you love yourself first). All the decisions you have made in your life are part of growing up, like you said. You shouldn't regret them because they are part of who you are. Continue to think deeply about what the best decisions are for your life and for your future. Become independent of men and secure in yourself (just read the book...it's really dang good) and allow yourself to grow. It'll work itself out. Just don't become a Christian because you feel like you are obligated or that you are going to go to hell. Search out your heart and see what makes sense to you. What is important to you? I think you'll find the answers you are looking for.