
April 10 2006

today started out horrible. but progressively got better.
i love all my friends. i swear. they put up with my worst moods.
and make me smile.

i'm a sweet talker. i'm a pipe layer.
imma sweat you out your weave.
i'm a back breaker
i'm a gentleman, i'm a mac playa.
i'm a dime piece layer, smooth operator.<3

hha. that song. ohh gosh.
[mm. boy still makes me smile.]
i know i know.
so anyways.
i ran today and it hurt so bad but it let out a lot of my stress.
so instead of being a butthead to everyone. i just ran.
it felt hella good.

k. so.
i'm donee.



April 12 2006
yeah, its true that the word is highly overused and grossly misunderstood... what most people call "love" is actually lust... thats where the danger is, and without thinking about it, it's sometimes easy to mistake the two... we throw words around, like we actually understand them, and the result is the word gets watered down and ends up meaning nothing... if you walk through the verses phrase by phrase and compare them to your life, in every relationship (not just with the opposite sex) you'll get an outline for love thats truely remarkable... that's the way God intends for love to be, anything else is a sham... good thoughts though, appreciate the remark!