"Headphones On, World Off"

August 14 2005
coldplay's in a month...
oh and my birthday but...
coldplay's in a month.

i have a chunk of metal stuck in my hand.
kiss it & make it better?

"Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it."
-john lennon

beatles > jesus

my heros:
john lennon, tim burton, andy warhol, and mitch hedberg.


August 14 2005
aw man...did you get to see mitch before he died??? I did. good times.

Abby Dee

August 15 2005
:kisses your hand: coldplay (yum) AND your heros are wonderful heros =]

Nathan Bailey

August 15 2005
Mitch Hedburg....may that great man rest in piece.....

Anthony Myers

August 15 2005
:kisses hand: Mitch hedburg was and is the epidimy of awsomeness. So is Coldplay.

Carly Gee

August 16 2005
warhol? genius. my dad and i are going to see coldplay. :kisses hand: consider your hand healed. take it easy.


August 19 2005
john lennon is my hero, too

ashley jade

August 21 2005
you! :)

Carly Gee

August 22 2005
DOOD. you wanna storm the administration with me?? they totally rained on my parade. UH.