The Meaning of My Name

August 27 2005

In the past few days, many PhuseBox users have been posting the meaning of their names to their page from This Site.

I thought I would join in and post mine.

The meaning of "Nathan Thomas Moore":
"Your charm and confident personality assures your popularity and brings you many admirers. Your analytical mind and social concerns may draw you towards science or humanitarian projects. Idealistic and charitable you use your influence as far as possible to achieve positive change in the world. You are a generous person with pure motives always willing to share your material prosperity with others."

Seems pretty close. I also wanted to post another interesting name:

The meaning of "Adolf Hitler":
"Charming, poised and sociable you need peace and harmony around you and always seek to create a happy environment. Perceptive and with strong intuition you are able to make sound judgements. You show great flexibility in attitude being open and responsive to the needs and opinions of others. This ability gives you potential for success in business dealing with the public. Your warm personality and caring ways ensure you are loved by family and friends."

I thought that was pretty humorous.


August 27 2005
i like the new pic

Anna Miller

August 27 2005
Look up Bruce. . . it's rather ironic. I like the new pic, too.


August 27 2005
haha, pretty much nailed him on the head...


August 27 2005
hahaa funny... I like ur new icon picture... its cute and unique looking


August 27 2005
and you thought right. i like your new profile pic too.


August 27 2005
Yours fits; Adolf Hitler's does not!!!


August 27 2005
i love your new pic ... and ur glasses very cool


August 27 2005
i think it describes him quite well. KIDDING


August 27 2005
i want glasses

Donald Allen

August 27 2005
lol, that's funny, i think it should also say the bad..... but even the worst of us have good qualities....


August 27 2005
interesting.. lol oh I like your new profile picture by the way.