Video Gamer Dies After Game

August 11 2005
Check out this story. A man dies after playing 50 hours of non-stop video games. This is exactly why I am not much of a gamer... I really do not want to go that way.

More PhuseBox updates coming soon...


Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 11 2005
I hope I can go with that much dignity and all . . . .

Haley Farist

August 11 2005
Hye its Haley from PPT-I know Blake Haley remember lol will you add me as a friend hope all is good!


August 11 2005
i saw that a few days ago. pretty dang crazy. shouldnt the internet cafe be held liable. haha. piece


August 12 2005
I've seen something like that before. A guy got a blood clot in his leg and it traveled to his lung and he died of a heart attack. I try to limit my gaming sprees to about 12 hours.

Anthony Myers

August 12 2005
Videogames aren't bad, as long as you pace yourself. I know people who've played videogames for 40-50 hours and it didn't kill him, but it's still not a good idea. Gaming should be limited to about 6 hours at a time at the most, in my opinion.


August 12 2005
saw that earlier this week. he quit his job to play games. i wish i could afford as it is i can barely game at all.


August 12 2005
That's craziness. Gaming should defiitely be limited.


August 12 2005
that's nuts! wow...


August 12 2005
in the words of jay leno... at least he didn't waste his life.

Garrett Haynes

August 12 2005
yeah i think that is the reason that i'm not a hardcore gamer at all anymore like i used to be...that is madness

Stacy Freeman

August 12 2005
ok ill stay just for you stacy


August 12 2005
you look like my cousin....with facial hair


August 12 2005
I dont like video games. well cept tertis. but that's addicting


August 12 2005
wow... haha I loved the end.. it was so sudden. A man died today. Oh! And guess what? "South Korea, one of the most wired countries in the world, has a large and highly developed game industry." haha

Carly Gee

August 12 2005
hahaha.. that's amazing. and that guy totally had it coming. i don't mean to be disrespectful, but after 50 hours, your brain is mush.


August 13 2005
wow..that's insane

courtney kelley

August 13 2005
wow.... crazy!

courtney kelley

August 13 2005
wow.... crazy!