
September 04 2006

Today is/was Labor Day which mean(s/t) yesterday was the pic-a-nic at Sports.Com. It was fun. i was a tool of  amanda's energy release.. no i was not running from her...i was to get a head start so that she could tackle me. she was successful! twice. i love you Manda Bear! well.. nothing really new here... i wish my 2 friends had either cell phones.. email...aim or some other way for me to communicate with them other than their home phone because i always feel uncomfy calling them there and i barely see them at school ;{ which means i will have to wait a whole 47 hours and 10 minutes until i see them and get to some-what talk to them... sad yes i know. but this is what its like for me at the moment. but i do have good news... no i donot have a licsense so i didnt switch to geicho... i am on skitzo... well have been for a whole week and will be performing in the skit this Wed. Night. can't wait for everyone to see it. and i hope it ministers to some one if not everyone. but because i am now in skitzo. it will not allow me to be on the guest reception team. but i feel peace about it because i am being used in ministries else where. well thats all for now.. because i have school tomorrow. man i still have 12 bugs to catch for biology, not fun! mainly beetles. later!

TrEe HuGgEr