God is Amazing/ Fun Fun Fun

April 27 2006

Hey everyone....

this week has been great..... 2 big things happened this week....

Wed. Night....of course everyone knows what happened last night.... i sang my solo... i gave it my best and left the rest up to god... i think i did pretty well. I was nervous everytime i practiced up stairs like 20 min. before service and then as soon as service started i prayed to god that he would use me and be with me on stage! well it worked... i got on stage and wasn't a bit nervous... i was like i had recieved a sudden ease from god telling me everything was going to be alright... if you were there last night and have any constructive criticizem or complements please post a remark.... thanks bunches oh... and we earned over $3000 it ended up....God is truly Amazing....

the other thing that happened to me this week was on Monday.... there is this guy in my 5th period... Monday my friends Jesse and Andréa decide to tell him i like him.... his name is Seth Rollins.... he is on the Riverdale Soccer Team and is a sophmore.. he's really nice and a good friend. the thing is i think i might actualy like him... i didnt like him at first but theres just something about him.... i just am not sure... but i'm just happy right now its not going anywhere because when they told him i like him....and everyone one who knows me knows that i do not flirt.... i am flirt deficient if you say so i don't know how he could say this... but he said that it was kind of obvious...??? i'm still trying to figure that one out.....

well i will talk to everyone later.....

hugs and more hugs.....

}{Mustard Seed}{

Jessica Jo

April 27 2006
Hey girl. Thanks for the remark and prayer. As I've told you before, you were great last night. Good luck with the boy situation. hehe. Although boys are nearly impossible to figure out so you are probably going to need more than a "good luck" from me. I love you.

Rebekah Lewis

April 27 2006
First of all, I thiught it was somewhere closer to 2000. Second of all at least he already knew...


April 27 2006
About your message, I think you did great but you should put a little more emotion in your words. I'm looking forward to seeing you and all of our friends perform this weekend! And guess what? My mom filmed youth choir and we look awesome! Cya tomorrow, girl.