

Relationship Status

In A Relationship


oakland high school


July 14 2006

well im siting here on the couch eating half frozen jello. i just got done packing up all my suff. well when dad gets home at around 4:30 well be off to oklahoma city to meet elle for the night. then tomorrow morning ill fly out from there at around 9:30.

its so odd. i hate this feeling. it comes every time i leave dads. its hard to go becuase hes your dad and he wants you to stay with him and you want to stay with him,but then there are your friends and an entire different life in another town. the end of this summer has been great cause its been just me and dad and were so alike. its been so fun. im ready to get back to you guys though. i miss my friends SO much. i miss my youth group. i just kinda miss the boro.

well im home in less than 24 hours and band starts pom tuesday!!!!!

love you guys lots!
