

Relationship Status

In A Relationship


oakland high school


June 08 2006

im in the beautiful sate of minnesota where everywhere you look its nothing but paradise

but only two things would make it better...all my friends from the boro and my youth group

i think one year i will have to invite like tons and tons of people up and have them hang out all summer long up here

i miss aim but know that if i download it onto this computer that i will never get off and it will ruine the slight detachment from the world that i achieve while in MN....but i really miss the people that i talk to on it

well tomorrow the high is a brisk 65 so not even a wet suit will make the water bearable for my little TN body so i think we are heading to Itasca state park (where the headwaters of the Mississippi riveris) and then to the forest history center/live turn of the century logging camp

while up north were also going to do a bit of geocaching. its something that me and erin found out about a few months ago through some a friend and we thought would be a great thing ot o so while with dad. so were doing it weve got 3 caches in the area of where were gonna be tomorrow so i guess we will see what happens!!

ok well its been a long entry so ill go now

much love to all of you!!!!
