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oakland high school


May 15 2006

band banquet = good

our band will miss our seniors they have totally made our program

now its time for us to stand up

we can totally do it


May 16 2006
aww! i'm so sad! i cant believe that the year is over with. it went by so fast!! i'm going to bawl at graduation. and as for band next dont wanna talk about it.


May 16 2006
who do you think is most likely to get field commander for next year?


May 16 2006
yeah, i'm not trying to get all pessimistic about band. i was just raised to be that way. i'm always beating myself up over stuff that doesn't really matter. yeah, it's so not even cool....but anyway, i love band more than anything, but it was just frustrating this year with second period and all. epescially with all those people who never practiced. coughcoughtorycoughcoughcorycough. ha ha. anyway, but i'll see you later.