

Relationship Status

In A Relationship


oakland high school


March 10 2006

so hangin out in the band room before we left for concert fest and ella comes up and tells me to hold out my hand and im like ok and she puts in it.... MY RING!! some how it ended up in the uniform closet and i havent been in there since monday morning and yeah so spencer totally droped it in there when he was putting his uniform up on wednesday oh but man was i happy!!!!!!!!

so yeah concert fest we made a 1 on marche slave and a 1 on sight reading it was fun and eyah the system was behid like 30-45 mins cause of the rain and the sight reading being in a different building

so yea...

we played some jail break at church tonight from like 9 till 11 then like half of us went to sonic when we left with the ppl we were taking home ( wes and the 3 baldwin bros) we decided to not go home so we took a drive out to lascassas it was nice and we talked about my grandmothers house its haunted i swear its the reason i believe in ghosts that is always fun to talk about and it really gets wes talking its cool so yeah we took the boys home

then went to kroger @ midnight and got some diet coke cause we wer out oh WOW i was walking over to the coke isle and WHAM!! the photo lab is gone like the booth and everything they moved it to the front left of the store i was taken aback 

ok wow-o this is long im done


check that... 15 cool points to anyone who can name this show and the 2 characters

Randy Rodden

March 10 2006
It's the wonder years right? I think the guys name is like danny?


March 10 2006
yay milly! i'm really glad you found your ring!

Ben Moser

March 10 2006
wonder years. kevin arnold. winnie cooper. ::b

Nathan Moore

March 10 2006
ah... ben beat me to it.

Sarah Vermillion

March 10 2006
I know that's Wonder Years, but I don't know the names of the characters, so I only get five cool points. Ella, however, gets A MILLION amazing points for finding your ring!