Matt Fisher
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Siegel High School
University of Tennessee
reading?, target shooting
Favorite Music
Does it have a beat? Good. SOCA!!
Favorite Movies
Black Hawk Down, Top Gun, The Notebook, Jarhead, A Beautiful Mind, The Princess Bride
Favorite Books
12 Ordinary Men, Tom Clancy, Banner in the Sky, Wild At Heart, etc
The world is a crazy place
October 03 2005
Today a bunch of older gentlemen are handing out bibles on campus and it makes my heart happy. Why do people always like free stuff until it has something to do with spirituality? Its not like the New Testament is heavy. Yes it does deal with rules but it takes you out of the bondage of the law and puts you under grace. To me, since I have no hope of not breaking the law, grace is a good and is my hope of spending eternity with the Father who will never leave you, and a brother who was willing to die for you and did it. And he never blamed you for it, he just said that we didn't know what we were doing since we didnt know God as our Savior, I will gladly take a family like that. Guys I don't know about you but our struggle should be getting a little easier in the months to come. Hasta la victoria siempre.
October 03 2005
Most people think that anything pertaining to God is too heavy, which is sad. BTW, you need to upload some pictures!
Zach McCain
October 03 2005
Matt, you rock. We need to get together and hang out sometime. When we're both in the boro, that is. Love in Christ, Zach
Kirsten Bowles
October 06 2005
Definately true the world is always gonna be a crazy place.I agree we struggle everyday through our walks and I wish I could wake up one day and be like boom life is gonna be easy.But,thats easier said than done.So Im glad I have changed and always knowing God will always be by my side and my true friend's have already showed there color's to me by me telling others I got my faith back and I know who the real one's are and arent now by some not accepting my faith back.
Anna Miller
October 09 2005
Paco- el partido de americano fútbol "homecoming" es el viernes, el catorce de octubre. necesitas venir desde estares en el vacaciones este semana. te quiero! -ana pelo